Social Advocacy and Change
The social advocacy and change certificate is designed for students who wish to promote change in a variety of social and political contexts.
Help Change the World
Courses throughout the certificate program explore topics ranging from human rights to environmental concerns, with a strong focus on creating and engaging active citizens.
Through unique projects and discussions, you'll learn the fundamentals of effective public speaking as well as how to think critically about contemporary communication. Graduates leave the program with the knowledge and skills necessary to advocate for change and help create a better world.
Program Details
Blugold Stories
Coursework for the social advocacy and change certificate will equip you with the oral and written communication skills to effectively advocate for — and enact — social change. You'll also practice critical thinking through formulating and evaluating arguments that address civic, social or environmental challenges.
Here are a few courses in Social Advocacy and Change at UW-Eau Claire.
CJ 202
Fundamentals of Speech
Fundamentals of effective public speaking from both speaker and listener perspectives. Preparation, presentation, and evaluation of student speeches. Special attention given to topics related to cultural diversity.
CJ 207
Introduction to Rhetoric and Society
A survey of the role of persuasive messages in society, with attention to classical foundations and a focus on tools for thinking critically about contemporary communication.
CJ 355
Advanced Organizational Communication: Strategic Message Design
Analysis and design of messages for use in a variety of organizational contexts. Emphasis on key role of messages in organizations, analysis of organizational needs, and creation of messages to address them.
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