Jonathan Rylander, Ph.D.
Contact Information
CWE Office: 2427 Centennial Hall
CWE Student Writing Center:
Student Success Center
Centennial Hall 2104
Originally from the Twin Cities, Jonathan Rylander completed his graduate work in southern Ohio. While there, he developed a passion for writing centers. He is now grateful to live and work in the upper Midwest—a pivotal region in his own understanding of marginalized identities, particularly LGBTQIA+ lives.
As a teacher, rhetorics of identity energize the way he listens to students and encourages self-expression. In his role as Director of the Center for Writing Excellence (CWE), he is interested in conversation as a pedagogical method to mentor writers and welcome them to bring their whole selves into their writing without fear or shame.
As a writer, he engages queer memoir. He is especially drawn to questions around sexual repression and mental health, including addiction and recovery narratives. His work appears in College Composition and Communication and The Writing Center Journal, as well edited collections, and literary journals. When not teaching or in the writing center, you can find him at local coffee shops, dogs parks, or past Duluth. His heart is with the North Shore.
- Ph.D. Miami University (English: Composition and Rhetoric)
- M.A. Miami University (English: Composition and Rhetoric)
- B.A., University of St. Thomas (English and Business Management)
- Women's, Gender, and Sexuality studies
Teaching and Research Interests
Teaching Interests:
- LGBTQIA+ lives
- Sexuality Studies
- Writing Center Theory and Practice
- Memoir
- Personal Writing
- Rhetorics of Social Justice
Creative/scholarly interests:
- Queer memoir
- Sexual repression and mental health
- Addiction and recovery narratives
- Writing centers as identity-driven spaces
Published Research
Articles and Book Chapters
“Dear Queer Memoir Writers…” In Jonathan Alexander and Jacqueline Rhodes, Eds. Routledge Handbook of Queer Rhetoric. New York: Routledge, 2022.
“Engaging the ‘Always Already’: Toward Queer Assemblages for Writing Across the Curriculum Administration.” College Composition and Communication. With Travis Webster. Volume 72, Number 2. December 2020.
“‘Intersecting Realities’: Queer Assemblage as Rhetorical Methodology.” In Jonathan Alexander and Jacqueline Rhodes, Eds. Sexual Rhetorics: Methods, Identities, Publics. New York: Routledge, 2015. 31-44. With Jason Palmeri.
“Queer Consulting: Assessing the Degree to Which Differences Affect a Writing Consultation.” East Central Writing Centers Association Newsletter. Fall 2011, 7-8. With Curtis Dickerson.
"There are consequences to sexual repression," Minneapolis Start Tribune, September 4, 2023.
"Carnal," Thimble Literary Magazine, June 2021
“A Need to Escape Leads Us to Our Authentic Selves: Listening, finding peace helps us deepen roots with our community” Volume One. July 2021.
"The Midwestern Way: Fond remembrances of the scent of flannel, tough Wisconsin loggers, and bonfires." Volume One. October 2020
"Wrestling in the Movies" Ligeia Magazine. Summer 2020.
"Paddle" Miracle Monocle Review. Spring 2020.
"Hope is Toni Morrison." A contribution The Hope Project. The Chippewa Valley Writer’s Guild. April 2020.
Book Reviews
“A Review of Harry Denny, Robert Mundy, Liliana M. Naydan, Richard Sévère, and Anna Sicari’s Out in the Center: Public Controversies and Private Struggles.” The Writing Center Journal. Vol. 38:1-2. June 2021.