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Innovative Spaces, Exceptional Places


We foster innovation at UW-Eau Claire, striving to help students explore the unknown and become individuals driven to make a difference. In order to help our community of students, faculty and staff achieve their dreams of doing in the impossible, we are always working to keep our campus up-to-date with new buildings and projects that align with the university's goals and values. While the construction process isn't always pretty, the end result is being able to deliver a product capable of giving back to the university for years to come.

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Current Projects

Facilities projects are driven by UW-Eau Claire's Campus Master Plan - a framework for the physical development of our beautiful campus that conforms to our values of stewardship and sustainability. The plan and resulting projects take into account the academic and strategic goals of the university, and our vision of a vibrant learning and living environment for students, faculty, staff and community.

Current Projects

Campus Master Plan

Completed in November 2011, UW-Eau Claire's Campus Master Plan 2010-2023 is the foundation for future facilities and physical plant development in support of UW-Eau Claire's strategic goal of becoming the premier undergraduate learning community in the upper Midwest. The plan provides a comprehensive, long-term framework for the development and management of the University's physical infrastructure and facilities. The goal is to align the campus's growth, renovation, and resource allocation with UW-Eau Claire's strategic mission and vision, ensuring that the physical environment supports academic, research, and administrative goals while fostering sustainability and a positive campus experience for all stakeholders.

What is a Campus Master Plan and How is it Created?

Master planning provides a comprehensive analysis of existing physical conditions and existing and projected physical needs, and develop recommendations for meeting those physical needs, providing a framework for the physical development of UW-Eau Claire for the next twenty years. The master plan integrates academic and financial planning of the campus with physical development planning. The master plan process includes input from UW-Eau Claire administration, faculty, staff and students; UW System and Division of State Facilities stakeholders; representatives of local government; and the community.

The campus master plan provides recommendations for land use, space use, image and identity, access and circulation, parking, open space, athletic and recreation facilities, utilities, sustainability and potential acquisition. The plan is informed by these aligned planning efforts; it supports academic planning and serves as the physical means for implementing the strategic plan. The master plan assesses the condition and suitability of current facilities; identifies appropriate physical solutions in conjunction with operational improvements; evaluates costs of solutions; seeks funding sources; and assigns roles and responsibilities for achieving the master plan recommendations. 

This dynamic process and its associated products guide the cohesive and comprehensive development of the UW-Eau Claire campus as it continues to evolve as a vibrant center of learning and living to meet the educational needs of the region and the state into the future.

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Maintenance and Central Stores 103
651 University Drive
Eau Claire, WI 54701
United States