Sean McAleer
Contact Information
124 Garfield Ave
Eau Claire WI 54701
- Ph.D., Syracuse University (Philosophy)
- B.A., Shimer College (Humanities)
Teaching and Research Interests
- Introduction to Philosophy
- Philosophical Ethics
- Environmental Ethics
- History of Ethics
- Ethical Theory
- History of Ethics
- Virtue Ethics
Published Research
Plato's Republic: An Introduction (OpenBook Publishers, 2020)
Confucian and Stoic Perspectives on Forgiveness (Lexington Books, 2022)
"8-Tracks, the Demands of Gratitude, and Harmonious Stews," Journal of Philosophical Research 48 (2023): 283-91.
"Are Gratitude and Forgiveness Symmetrical?" in D. Carr, ed., Perspectives on Gratitude: an Interdisciplinary Approach (Routledge, 2016)
"Caught in a Eutrapelia: Kraut on Aristotle and Wit," Journal of Philosophical Research 40 (2015): 297-312.
"Atheism and Twelve Step Spirituality" in J. Miller and N. Plants, eds., Sobering Wisdom: Philosophical Explorations of Twelve Step Spirituality (University of Virginia Press, 2014).
"Friendship, Perception, and Referential Opacity in Nicomachean Ethics IX.9," History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 15 (2013): 362-74.
"When a Lie Ain't Just a Lie" in D. Bzdak et al. eds., The Wire and Philosophy (Open Court, 2013).
"Propositional Gratitude," American Philosophical Quarterly 49 (2012): 55-66.
"Four Solutions to the Alleged Incompleteness of Virtue Ethics," Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 4.3 (2010): 1-20.
"The Ethics of Pitcher's Retaliation in Baseball," Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 36 (2009): 50-65.
"An Aristotelian Account of Virtue Ethics: an Essay in Moral Taxonomy," Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 88 (2007): 208-25.
"Petit's non-iteration constraint," Utilitas 20 (2008): 59-64.
"The Virtues of Humor: What The Office Can Teach us about Aristotle's Ethics" in J. Wisnewski, ed., The Office and Philosophy: Scenes from the Unexamined Life (Blackwell, 2008).
"Self-Knowledge, Self-Deception, and Retaliation: Lessons from The Limey and The Godfather," Film and Philosophy 12 (2008): 89-104.
"Kant the Aristotle on the Difficulty of Moral Knowledge: Lessons from the Doctrine of Virtue," Studies in the History of Ethics 1 (2005): 1-43.
"Friedman's Stockholder Theory of Corporate Moral Responsibility," Teaching Business Ethics 7 (2003): 437-51.
"John Huston's Treasure of the Sierre Madre and Environmental Virtue Ethics," Film and Philosophy 8 (2004): 30-41.