Blugold Welcome
Blugold Welcome Schedule of Events
We LOVE to welcome our Blugolds in a BIG way!
Blugold Welcome is every incoming Blugold's official, interactive, engaging welcome to campus. Our fall schedule kicks off with move-in and continues through the second week of classes, and our spring schedule occurs the weekend before classes begin. Each year, there are a variety of activities and social get-togethers to connect all incoming Blugolds with campus and the surrounding community, with lots of free food and UWEC swag!
Are you a current Blugold, staff, or faculty member and want to get in on the action? Consider volunteering! It takes a village to put on these events, and we appreciate your help. Volunteer sign-up will be available here when open (before the fall term).
Fall 2025 Blugold Welcome: August 30 - September 12
We are still in the process of designing an EPIC series of events for our fall Welcome Line-up. Make sure and bookmark this page and stay tuned for more updates as we get closer to the fall semester! In the meantime, check out our fall 2024 event series to get a taste of what you have to look forward to as an incoming Blugold.
Do YOU have an idea for an awesome welcome event to bring new students together? Let us know at We'll see what we can do to make it happen!
New/Transfer Student Move-in | 8 am - 4 pm | Upper Campus Residence Halls
Blugold Bonfire & Food Crawl | 7 pm | Locations across upper campus
Get to know your fellow Blugolds at the Blugold Bonfire & Food Crawl from 7-9 pm! In addition to multiple toasty campfires near Horan Hall, Sutherland Hall, Suites, and Towers, we'll have music, and a variety of food options to sample throughout the event - all at no cost to you!
------------ Happening all week long ------------
FREE fitness center access | 6 am - 11 pm | Crest Fitness Center & McPhee Physical Education Center, Upper Campus
New students have free access to Fitness Centers on upper campus between August 28th and September 8th. Take advantage of all the opportunities that recreation has to offer you as a student at Eau Claire.
Environmental Adventure Center (EAC) Open Hours | Noon - 11 pm | Hilltop Center, Upper Campus
The EAC will be open and ready to welcome students back to campus! Take part in the bouldering wall, billiards, and Esports at no cost. Outdoor rentals are available for a minimal cost. If you are heading into the outdoors for a weekend of fun, make us your first stop for all your equipment needs. Check out all EAC offerings during open hours throughout Blugold Welcome!
New/Transfer Student Move-in | 8 am - 4 pm | Upper Campus Residence Halls
UWEC Women's Soccer Game | 2 pm | Simpson Field, Upper Campus
Support UWEC by attending the Women's Soccer Game on Simpson field and cheering on your fellow Blugolds!
UWEC Men's Soccer Game | 5 pm | Simpson Field, Upper Campus
Support UWEC by attending the Men's Soccer Game on Simpson field and cheering on your fellow Blugolds!
Wing Meetings | 7:30 pm | Residence Halls - check with your RA on specific location.
Hosted by your RA and not-to-be-missed, you'll get to meet your new neighbors, discuss community standards, learn about residence hall policies and about how to get involved in your Hall Council!
Davies Party | 9 pm - midnight | Davies Student Center + Campus Mall
Welcome to your new living room and hang out, Davies. Free food, fun and activities throughout the building all night long. We've got a DJ, free bamboo plants, films, canvas painting, Mario Kart, a photo booth, board games, grocery bingo and more!
----------- Happening all week long ------------
FREE fitness center access | 6 am - 11 pm | Crest Fitness Center & McPhee Physical Education Center, Upper Campus
New students have free access to Fitness Centers on upper campus between August 28th and September 8th. Take advantage of all the opportunities that recreation has to offer you as a student at Eau Claire.
Environmental Adventure Center (EAC) Open Hours | Noon - 10 pm | Hilltop Center, Upper Campus
The EAC will be open and ready to welcome students back to campus! Take part in the bouldering wall, billiards, and Esports at no cost. Outdoor rentals are available for a minimal cost. If you are heading into the outdoors for a weekend of fun, make us your first stop for all your equipment needs. Check out all EAC offerings during open hours throughout Blugold Welcome!
Returner Student Move-in | 8 am - 4 pm | Upper Campus Residence Halls
Tour De Rec & Club Sport EXPO | 11 am-1 pm | Outside Hilltop Center, Upper Campus
Get to know Recreation and Sports Operations and all it has to offer. This morning full of fun includes outdoor group exercise classes, outdoor fitness opportunities tour(s), indoor bouldering and billiards, a bag toss tournament, an opportunity to try our zipline, snacks and more! During the EXPO, you can interact with over 30 club sports, learn more about intramural sports offerings, and take part in a Spikeball tournament. Come and join the fun!
Run the hill + Additional Recreation Activities
Run the Hill | 1 pm | Bottom of the Hill
Join your fellow Blugolds and check 'Running/Walking the Hill' off of your Blugold Bucket List by going up one time for a free t-shirt. This one-time event garners about 1,500 new Blugolds to participate each year!
- Bag Toss Tournament (sign up by 1:30 pm) | 2 - 4 pm | Horan Hall Backyard, Upper Campus
- Zip Line Open | 2 - 6 pm | Behind Oakridge Hall, Upper Campus
Tie Dye Affair | 2 - 5 pm | Behind Governors Hall, Upper Campus
Your RAs will host walk-overs for your building-specific tie-dye rotation between 2 - 5 pm. Bring your t-shirt (shirts will be available for purchase ahead of time - only 5 bucks!), eat snacks, and connect with your new friends in creating a tie dye masterpiece. Commuter students can attend any time between 2pm and 5pm! Rain date: Thursday, Sept. 5th from 4-7 pm.
Sex Signals (3 separate shows) | 4 pm, 6 pm, 8 pm | Ojibwe Ballroom (Davies Center 330)
Sex Signals has become one of the most popular sexual assault prevention programs on college campuses and has been seen by over 3 million students. It differs from traditional sexual assault prevention programs in that it incorporates improvisation, humor, education, and audience interaction to provide a provocative look at dating, sex, and the core issue of consent and bystander intervention. *First-year students only - students should check with their RA to see which show they should attend.
------------ Happening all week long ------------
FREE fitness center access | 6 am - 11 pm | Crest Fitness Center & McPhee Physical Education Center, Upper Campus
New students have free access to Fitness Centers on upper campus between August 28th and September 8th. Take advantage of all the opportunities that recreation has to offer you as a student at Eau Claire.
Environmental Adventure Center (EAC) Open Hours | 2 pm - 10 pm | Hilltop Center, Upper Campus
The EAC will be open and ready to welcome students back to campus! Take part in the bouldering wall, billiards, and Esports at no cost. Outdoor rentals are available for a minimal cost. If you are heading into the outdoors for a weekend of fun, make us your first stop for all your equipment needs. Check out all EAC offerings during open hours throughout Blugold Welcome!
Returner Student Move-In | 8 am - 4 pm | Residence Halls
Academic Opening Day (*required for first-year students) | 8:30 am - 2:00 pm | Various Locations, Begin on Upper Campus (check with RA)
Join the entire incoming Blugold class for your official welcome to the university! Academic Opening Day is required of all new first-year students, and a general schedule is provided here. Transfer students are welcomed to attend the Academic Meet & Greet portion before RecConnect (see below) begins! Stay tuned to your UWEC email for further details and rain plans as we get closer to the event.
RecConnect (*transfer students only) | 11:15 am - 1 pm | Hilltop Center
RecConnect offers engaging, small-group activities that enable you to meet other students transferring to UW- Eau Claire while learning to navigate, engage and become successful on campus. RecConnect is a fun, interactive way to begin the process of creating your own Blugold experience. This program is specific to incoming transfer students, and advanced registration is required. Activities include team building, a low ropes course, group exercise, competitive sports, a campus tour, lunch and more!
*If you are an incoming transfer student and wish to also attend the Academic Meet and Greet as part of Opening Day (see above), you are welcome to do that! These two events will not conflict.
Hall Council Kick-Off! | 7 pm | Upper Campus Residence Halls
Join your specific Hall's event to learn about leadership opportunities within the hall and how to get connected with your community and other residents! For more information, ask your Resident Assistant (RA).
------------ Happening all week long ------------
FREE fitness center access | 6 am - 11 pm | Crest Fitness Center & McPhee Physical Education Center, Upper Campus
New students have free access to Fitness Centers on upper campus between August 28th and September 8th. Take advantage of all the opportunities that recreation has to offer you as a student at Eau Claire.
Environmental Adventure Center (EAC) Open Hours | 2 pm - 10 pm | Hilltop Center, Upper Campus
The EAC will be open and ready to welcome students back to campus! Take part in the bouldering wall, billiards, and Esports at no cost. Outdoor rentals are available for a minimal cost. If you are heading into the outdoors for a weekend of fun, make us your first stop for all your equipment needs. Check out all EAC offerings during open hours throughout Blugold Welcome!
First Day Giveaway! | 7:45 am | Lower Campus, station just outside of Schofield Hall
You heard that right - free stuff on your way to your first class as a Blugold! Working with our Chancellor's Executive team, staff at UWEC welcome our incoming students with free breakfast items offered until we run out. Stop by our table (by the stone and water fountain outside of Schofield Hall) on your way to class!
Library After Dark | 5 pm - 9 pm | McIntyre Library
Join us for our annual back-to-school party, McIntyre Library After Dark. This free event for students includes acapella performances, mini golf, life-sized Clue, laser tag, board games, Giant Jenga, Giant Chess and Checkers, Darts, Giant Battleship, Pictionary, trivia, an escape room, and free pizza and drinks! As the evening progresses, we'll have bonfires and Two to Tango will be teaching dance lessons under the string lights by the riverfront. You won't want to miss this once-a-year event!
------------ Happening all week long ------------
FREE fitness center access | 6 am - 11 pm | Crest Fitness Center & McPhee Physical Education Center, Upper Campus
New students have free access to Fitness Centers on upper campus between August 28th and September 8th. Take advantage of all the opportunities that recreation has to offer you as a student at Eau Claire.
Environmental Adventure Center (EAC) Open Hours | 2 pm - 10 pm | Hilltop Center, Upper Campus
The EAC will be open and ready to welcome students back to campus! Take part in the bouldering wall, billiards, and Esports at no cost. Outdoor rentals are available for a minimal cost. If you are heading into the outdoors for a weekend of fun, make us your first stop for all your equipment needs. Check out all EAC offerings during open hours throughout Blugold Welcome!
**Intramural League Registration Opens! | Noon |
Interested in being a part of an Intramural team? Don't forget to sign-up - click here to learn more.
The CookOUT | 4 - 7 pm | Horan Hall Backyard
Join new and returning LGBTQA+ students and Allies in connecting with peers, faculty/staff and administrators who are supportive of this community. Come grab some free food, have a discussion, or just hang out. Rain date: Tuesday, Sept. 10th from 4-7 pm
UAC Film: The Fall Guy | 8:30 pm | Campus Mall (Lower Campus)
Come hang out on the campus mall for a screening of the summer blockbuster "The Fall Guy"! Movie synopsis: After leaving the business one year earlier, battle-scarred stuntman Colt Seavers springs back into action when the star of a big studio movie suddenly disappears. As the mystery surrounding the missing actor deepens, Colt soon finds himself ensnared in a sinister plot that pushes him to the edge of a fall more dangerous than any stunt. Rain location will be Woodland Theatre (3rd floor of Davies).
------------ Happening all week long ------------
FREE fitness center access | 6 am - 11 pm | Crest Fitness Center & McPhee Physical Education Center, Upper Campus
New students have free access to Fitness Centers on upper campus between August 28th and September 8th. Take advantage of all the opportunities that recreation has to offer you as a student at Eau Claire.
Environmental Adventure Center (EAC) Open Hours | 2 pm - 10 pm | Hilltop Center, Upper Campus
The EAC will be open and ready to welcome students back to campus! Take part in the bouldering wall, billiards, and Esports at no cost. Outdoor rentals are available for a minimal cost. If you are heading into the outdoors for a weekend of fun, make us your first stop for all your equipment needs. Check out all EAC offerings during open hours throughout Blugold Welcome!
Part-Time Job Fair | 11 am - 2 pm | Campus Mall, Lower Campus
Visit the UW-Eau Claire In-Person Part-Time Job Fair on the Outdoor Campus Mall to meet local and campus employers for part-time employment opportunities. Rain site: Davies Student Center, 3rd Floor
• Professional dress is not required - but dress to make a great first impression
• Bring copies of your resume to hand out to employers
• Employers may be accepting applications at the event if you wish to complete them
• Have your Blugold ID handy to sign in at the event
• Research employers and check Handshake to learn about the organizations and openings available
UW Meets EC | 5 pm - 8 pm | Downtown Eau Claire (shuttles provided)
Discover downtown Eau Claire and what it has to offer with fun giveaways, activities and so much more. This event allows you to explore downtown businesses and get connected with your extended community at Eau Claire. Also, you'll get a free tote bag to carry your goodies, an opportunity to take part in your first Food Truck Friday, and will gain extra points for your Major in Eau Claireology Pass! It's a Win-Win-Win!
Feel free to preview the participating businesses and organizations from 2023 on the interactive map HERE. We'll have many of these businesses returning for 2024, as well as a few additional businesses who've joined us this year!
Free shuttles will be providing round trips between 4:45 pm and 9 pm; shuttles leave from and return to the Towers Hall bus stop area on upper campus.
------------ Happening all week long ------------
FREE fitness center access | 6 am - 11 pm | Crest Fitness Center & McPhee Physical Education Center, Upper Campus
New students have free access to Fitness Centers on upper campus between August 28th and September 8th. Take advantage of all the opportunities that recreation has to offer you as a student at Eau Claire.
Environmental Adventure Center (EAC) Open Hours | 12 pm - 11 pm | Hilltop Center, Upper Campus
The EAC will be open and ready to welcome students back to campus! Take part in the bouldering wall, billiards, and Esports at no cost. Outdoor rentals are available for a minimal cost. If you are heading into the outdoors for a weekend of fun, make us your first stop for all your equipment needs. Check out all EAC offerings during open hours throughout Blugold Welcome!
Eau Claire Farmer's Market | 9 am - 12 pm | Downtown Eau Claire (shuttles provided)
The farmer's market is located in an open-air pavilion along the Chippewa River, has local musicians performing each Saturday, and creates a spot for friends and neighbors to meet. Check it out by yourself or with a friend!
Free shuttles will leave from Towers Hall at 9 am and head to the Farmer's Market downtown. Note: Shuttles will provide round trips back to campus for students until noon; if students decide to hang out longer, they will need to walk back to campus (about 2 miles).
Open Ropes Course | 1 pm, 3 pm, and 5 pm | Eagle's View Ropes Course, Behind Sutherland Hall
Grab some friends and reserve a two-hour spot at the Eagle's View Challenge Ropes Course behind Sutherland Hall! 12 participants per time slot, and it's available most Saturdays in September. Learn more about the program, and register for your spot here:
UAC Concert | 7 pm | Campus Mall (lower campus)
The University Activities Commission is excited to feature the local favorite, Nick Anderson and the Skinny Lovers! This band brings all the energy and fun you expect from a pop punk show. Performing songs from their new album released this summer, you won't want to miss it!
GLOW FEST | 8 pm - 11 pm | Upper Campus (variety of locations)
Music, food, and energy will guide your way to activities across upper campus that are sure to be a good time! Sand volleyball, Indoor games (billiards, table tennis, air hockey, bouldering wall + board games), glow sports, a glow climbing wall, outdoor games (Kubb, bag toss, spikeball), and a campfire with s'mores. Plus, we'll be doing two featured events - Glow Zumba and a Silent Disco - outside for all to join in! This event will be an opportunity for all students to celebrate wellness on campus and explore the campus at night, with lots of glow-fun!
------------ Happening all week long ------------
FREE fitness center access | 6 am - 11 pm | Crest Fitness Center & McPhee Physical Education Center, Upper Campus
New students have free access to Fitness Centers on upper campus between August 28th and September 8th. Take advantage of all the opportunities that recreation has to offer you as a student at Eau Claire.
Environmental Adventure Center (EAC) Open Hours | Noon - 11 pm | Hilltop Center, Upper Campus
The EAC will be open and ready to welcome students back to campus! Take part in the bouldering wall, billiards, and Esports at no cost. Outdoor rentals are available for a minimal cost. If you are heading into the outdoors for a weekend of fun, make us your first stop for all your equipment needs. Check out all EAC offerings during open hours throughout Blugold Welcome!
Grocery Run! | 3 pm, 4:30 pm, 6 pm | Target / Walmart, Shuttles leave from Towers Hall Bus Stop
Forget to bring something important on your move-in list? Need to replenish your snack drawer after your first few days on campus? Want to purchase fun decor now that you're all settled in? Take one of our free shuttles to the Target/Walmart shopping area and stock up!
Shuttles will leave from Towers Hall at 3 pm, 4:30 pm, and 6 pm, and will do round trips to the Hastings Way locations.
----------- Happening all week long ------------
FREE fitness center access | 6 am - 11 pm | Crest Fitness Center & McPhee Physical Education Center, Upper Campus
New students have free access to Fitness Centers on upper campus between August 28th and September 8th. Take advantage of all the opportunities that recreation has to offer you as a student at Eau Claire.
Environmental Adventure Center (EAC) Open Hours | Noon - 10 pm | Hilltop Center, Upper Campus
The EAC will be open and ready to welcome students back to campus! Take part in the bouldering wall, billiards, and Esports at no cost. Outdoor rentals are available for a minimal cost. If you are heading into the outdoors for a weekend of fun, make us your first stop for all your equipment needs. Check out all EAC offerings during open hours throughout Blugold Welcome!
Free Speech and Free Pizza! | 4:30 pm - 6 pm | Centennial Hall 2704 (2nd floor)
Are you a first-year student eager to explore your rights and amplify your voice? Join us at this illuminating event, led by professors specializing in First Amendment law as it relates to college students. Your questions and curiosity are highly encouraged in this safe and open environment.
RSVP now to secure your spot and embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and camaraderie. Let your voice be heard and your potential realized at "Free Speech and Free Pizza"!
------------ Happening all week long ------------
FREE fitness center access | 6 am - 11 pm | Crest Fitness Center & McPhee Physical Education Center, Upper Campus
New students have free access to Fitness Centers on upper campus between August 28th and September 8th. Take advantage of all the opportunities that recreation has to offer you as a student at Eau Claire.
Environmental Adventure Center (EAC) Open Hours | 2 pm - 10 pm | Hilltop Center, Upper Campus
The EAC will be open and ready to welcome students back to campus! Take part in the bouldering wall, billiards, and Esports at no cost. Outdoor rentals are available for a minimal cost. If you are heading into the outdoors for a weekend of fun, make us your first stop for all your equipment needs. Check out all EAC offerings during open hours throughout Blugold Welcome!
Blu's Orgs Bash | 11 am - 2 pm | Lower Campus Mall
Learn how to get involved in one or more of our 230+ student organizations here at UWEC. Check out our video below!
Blu's Organizations Bash
Student Open House | 4 pm - 7 pm | Sonnentag Center (check the city bus route for shuttle times)
Visit our BRAND NEW Sonnentag Center and learn all about what is available to you as a Blugold! For more details, visit the SONNENTAG GRAND OPENING website.
- 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. | Sustainability Tour (may require sign-up ahead of time; check website for details)
- 5:00- 7:00 p.m. | Student Activities
- Club Sport Demonstrations
- 100 Yard Dash – fee Rec. t-shirt to celebrate our 100 yards of indoor turf (staggered start times on the half hour beginning at 5pm)
- Open House and Tours
- Concession Stand and Merch Store Open
- Information for Students: Hours of Operation, Bus Routes, Fitness Facility, EAC, Student Programming, etc. (and much more!)
Comedian: Brian Regan | 8 pm | Sonnentag Center (check the city bus route for shuttle times)
Doors Open: 07:00 pm
Join us for an unforgettable evening of laughter with the renowned comedian Brian Regan at the Sonnentag Event Center! Known for his hysterical observations and impeccable comedic timing, Brian Regan is a comedy legend who continues to captivate audiences across the nation. Vanity Fair has hailed him as “The funniest stand-up alive,” while Entertainment Weekly calls him “Your favorite comedian’s favorite comedian.”
----------- Happening all week long ------------
Environmental Adventure Center (EAC) Open Hours | 2 pm - 10 pm | Hilltop Center, Upper Campus
The EAC will be open and ready to welcome students back to campus! Take part in the bouldering wall, billiards, and Esports at no cost. Outdoor rentals are available for a minimal cost. If you are heading into the outdoors for a weekend of fun, make us your first stop for all your equipment needs. Check out all EAC offerings during open hours throughout Blugold Welcome!
UWEC Volleyball Match vs. College of Saint Benedict | 7 pm | McPhee Physical Education Center Gymnasium
The Blugold volleyball team, 2021 NCAA champions, will host College of Saint Benedict in this season's home opener. The first 100 Blugolds to attend will receive FREE Blugold wrist lanyards!
----------- Happening all week long ------------
Environmental Adventure Center (EAC) Open Hours | 2 pm - 10 pm | Hilltop Center, Upper Campus
The EAC will be open and ready to welcome students back to campus! Take part in the bouldering wall, billiards, and Esports at no cost. Outdoor rentals are available for a minimal cost. If you are heading into the outdoors for a weekend of fun, make us your first stop for all your equipment needs. Check out all EAC offerings during open hours throughout Blugold Welcome!
**Intramural League Registration Closes | Noon |
Interested in being a part of an Intramural team? Don't forget to sign-up before noon! Click here to learn more.
MSS Welcome Back Picnic | 4 - 6:30 pm | Chippewa Lounge Outlook (near the river on Garfield Avenue, Lower Campus)
Join our Multicultural Student Services office and our cohosts of the event - the Alumni of Color Network - for a delectable picnic to celebrate the first couple weeks of classes! Rain location: Davies Center, 3rd floor.
Concert: CHRIS YOUNG | 7:30 pm | Sonnentag Center
The Sonnentag, the brand-new event center and fieldhouse in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, is excited to announce multi-platinum, global entertainer Chris Young will be headlining the venue's first-ever concert on Thursday, September 12, 2024. Fans can expect to hear a hit-packed headlining set from the award-winning country music star, including “Gettin’ You Home,” “Voices,” “Tomorrow,” “I’m Comin’ Over,” “Famous Friends” and his newest smash, “Young Love & Saturday Nights.”
Students should stay tuned to their UWEC email for ticket options and concert updates!
----------- Happening all week long ------------
Environmental Adventure Center (EAC) Open Hours | 2 pm - 10 pm | Hilltop Center, Upper Campus
The EAC will be open and ready to welcome students back to campus! Take part in the bouldering wall, billiards, and Esports at no cost. Outdoor rentals are available for a minimal cost. If you are heading into the outdoors for a weekend of fun, make us your first stop for all your equipment needs. Check out all EAC offerings during open hours throughout Blugold Welcome!
Sue Strowig Memorial Bark Break! | 11 am - 1 pm | Campus Mall, Lower Campus
Bark Break provides students the chance to take a break from classes and relax a bit meeting and connecting with UW-Eau Claire pups on the campus mall. It’s always hard to know who’s happier: the students or the dogs! The Sue Strowig Memorial Bark Break offers participating students a chance to win a variety of prizes during the event, and a few lucky students will even be selected for a $500 scholarship. Make sure to stop by!
Senate Social | 1 - 3 pm | Campus Mall, Lower Campus
Rain site: Davies Student Center
Where a block party meets a student resource fair, join Student Senate on the Campus Mall for live music, yard games, caricatures, free Blugold merchandise, community gift cards and coupons, as well as information on UW-Eau Claire's governing student organization.
UWEC Volleyball Match vs. University of Chicago | 7 pm | Sonnentag Center
The Blugold volleyball team, 2021 NCAA champions, will host the University of Chicago in the brand new Sonnentag Center. The first 100 Blugolds to attend will receive FREE Mancino Grinders coupons!
----------- Happening all week long ------------
Environmental Adventure Center (EAC) Open Hours | noon - 11 pm | Hilltop Center, Upper Campus
The EAC will be open and ready to welcome students back to campus! Take part in the bouldering wall, billiards, and Esports at no cost. Outdoor rentals are available for a minimal cost. If you are heading into the outdoors for a weekend of fun, make us your first stop for all your equipment needs. Check out all EAC offerings during open hours throughout Blugold Welcome!
Eau Claire Fall Festival | 10 am - 1 pm | Downtown Eau Claire (shuttles provided)
For over 30 years, this street festival has brought thousands of visitors to Downtown Eau Claire to enjoy a wide variety of food, music, vendors, and entertainment stretched over five blocks in the heart of our city.
Free shuttles leave from Towers Hall at 10 am and head to the Fall Festival in downtown Eau Claire! Note: Shuttles will provide round trips back to campus for students until 1 pm; if students decide to hang out longer, they will need to walk back to campus (about 2 miles).
UWEC Football Game vs. Coe College | 1 pm | Carson Park (702 Carson Park Drive, Eau Claire)
A tailgate for the football game starts at 11 am with food and drinks for the first 200 attendees (so get there early) + games, music, and more!
Free shuttles leave from Towers Hall starting at 11 am and go until 1 pm. Shuttles will bring students back from Carson Park to campus from 3 - 5 pm.
Open Ropes Course | 1 pm, 3 pm, and 5 pm | Eagle's View Ropes Course, Behind Sutherland Hall
Grab some friends and reserve a two-hour spot at the Eagle's View Challenge Ropes Course behind Sutherland Hall! 12 participants per time slot, and it's available most Saturdays in September. Learn more about the program, and register for your spot here:
----------- Happening all week long ------------
Environmental Adventure Center (EAC) Open Hours | noon - 11 pm | Hilltop Center, Upper Campus
The EAC will be open and ready to welcome students back to campus! Take part in the bouldering wall, billiards, and Esports at no cost. Outdoor rentals are available for a minimal cost. If you are heading into the outdoors for a weekend of fun, make us your first stop for all your equipment needs. Check out all EAC offerings during open hours throughout Blugold Welcome!