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Helping You Reach the Highest Peak


Geography and Anthropology Department faculty and staff are passionate about their work. Our faculty lead trips across the United States, collaborate with you for one-of-a-kind research, and push the limits of your imagination. They do all this while teaching courses that encourage critical thinking and communication skills that prepare you for many 21st century careers. You’ll be met with high expectations from the faculty and staff, and given all the tools to exceed them.

Department Chair
Ryan Weichelt
Geography and Anthropology Department
Department Chair and Professor
Phillips Hall 258
105 Garfield Ave
Eau Claire, WI 54702
Faculty and Staff
Ryan Weichelt
Geography and Anthropology Department
Department Chair and Professor
Phillips Hall 258
105 Garfield Ave
Eau Claire, WI 54702
Cyril Wilson
Geography and Anthropology Department
Associate Professor
Phillips Science Hall 250
101 Roosevelt Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54701

Ezra Zeitler
Geography and Anthropology Department
American Indian Studies Program
Geography & Anthropology
Affiliate, American Indian Studies
Phillips Hall 251
101 Roosevelt Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Fall Semester 2024
MWF 11:00-11:50 am
and by appointment

Hi everyone! I teach a variety of human, environmental, and geospatial courses in the Department of Geography & Anthropology. My research interests are far reaching but generally involve tourism, sports and leisure, cartography, and fieldwork.

Page Family

Geography and Anthropology Department