Benjamin Fine, Computer Science, A&S (2026)
Steve Fink, Philosophy & religious Studies, A&S (2026)
Jim Seliya, Computer Science, A&S (2025)
Andrew Sturtevant, History, A&S (2025)
Heather Ann Moody, American Indian Studies, A&S (2027)
Kris Knutson, Communication & Journalism, A&S (2027)
Matthew Meyer, Phil. & religious Studies, A&S (2027)
Emrah Ekici, Accounting & Finance, BUS (2026)
Marcy Orwig, Business Communications, BUS (2025)
Sue Fondrie (Emily Freeman), Education for Equity and Justice, HHS/EHS Spring 2025 (2025)
Charlotte Clark, Comm. Sci. & Disorders, HHS/EHS (2027)
Mel Skoff, Nursing, NHS (2026)
Jeanette Olsen, Nursing, NHS (2025)
Hans Kishel, Library, Library Rep. (2027)
Creanna Cote, Health Services, Academic Staff Representative (2026), ex-officio and non-voting
Mary Hoffman, Provost or designee, ex-officio and non-voting
Dylan Baker, Student Representative