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Eric Wan to receive UW-Eau Claire Alumni Association’s 2024 Blugold Spirit Award

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Eric Wan to receive UW-Eau Claire Alumni Association’s 2024 Blugold Spirit Award
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When Eric Wan arrived from Toronto at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire in 1992 to play hockey, he says he hadn’t quite envisioned all that lay ahead for him as a Blugold. 


“As it turned out, I left here four years later with an outstanding education, irreplaceable student and life experiences, and many lifelong friendships. UW-Eau Claire gave me a foundation that enriched my life, professionally and personally,” he says.

Wan, a 1996 management information systems graduate, is the recipient of this year’s Blugold Spirit Award to be presented at UW-Eau Claire on Oct. 10 as part of Homecoming activities. The annual award is given by the Alumni Association to a university supporter who has a true love for the campus, exemplifies excellence in everyday life and strives to share the UW-Eau Claire story.

“I am very proud to be recognized by my alma mater,” Wan says. “I am proud that I graduated from UWEC, proud of the experiences and friendships I made there and proud that I have been able to give back in meaningful ways.”

Eric Wan, 2024 Blugold Spirit Award
Eric Wan, a 1996 management information systems graduate, played four seasons (1992-95) at left-side defense for the Blugold men’s hockey team.

Wan currently serves as the chief growth officer for a pharmacy solutions company and has worked in the healthcare industry for 25 years. During that time, Wan has maintained strong ties to UW-Eau Claire and has held several key leadership positions as a dedicated alumnus. They include:

  • Alumni Association board member
  • College of Business advisory board member
  • UW-Eau Claire Foundation board member and vice chair
  • Chair of the UW-Eau Claire Foundation board of trustees

Kimera Way, former president of the UW-Eau Claire Foundation, says it’s difficult to quantify Wan’s overall contribution to the university, but highlights a few milestones.

“As leader of the Foundation, Eric oversaw the completion of the Sonnentag project,” Way says. “As vice chair, he also led the Foundation’s strategic planning process, which culminated in the announcement of the Sustaining Human Innovation Campaign, a funding initiative to secure more than $150 million in private support for facilities, endowed scholarships and other investments to benefit the university.”

In addition to those leadership commitments, Wan also is a member of the Foundation’s Haas Society in the Circle of Excellence through his generous support of the men’s hockey program, the College of Business, various scholarships and the Flesch Family Welcome Center.

Wan says that for him, the essence of Blugold spirit is taking what this institution offers to “work hard, treat people well and have a little fun along the way.”

Wan and his wife, Rachelle, have two children — Maddie and Jacob — and they reside in Southern California.

“I love coming back to UW-Eau Claire for Blugold hockey games and Homecoming, and connecting with Blugold alumni in the business world, hockey or traveling,” he says.

“As many have experienced, the best is being stopped somewhere in the world when wearing my UW-Eau Claire apparel and being asked ‘Are you a Blugold?’ It always sparks a great conversation and an instant friend.” 

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