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Blugolds to present projects at Research in the Rotunda

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Blugolds to present projects at Research in the Rotunda
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Eleven Blugold undergraduate researchers and their faculty mentors will share their research and creative projects ranging from ageism in healthcare to workforce retention at the annual Research in the Rotunda event April 2 in Madison. 


The 21st annual event highlighting important research by Universities of Wisconsin campuses will be in the state Capitol rotunda and viewed by state legislators, state leaders, UW alumni and other supporters.

Research in the Rotunda is a highly selective event, says Dr. Erica Benson, executive director of UW-Eau Claire’s Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. The projects were nominated by the deans of UW-Eau Claire colleges as exemplary examples of undergraduate research and creative activity, and are a fraction of the hundreds of undergraduate research and creative activity projects on campus each year, Benson says.

“The students are excited to talk about the impact of their undergraduate research/creative activity on their educational experience and career trajectory, their contributions to knowledge, and the economic and social development of the region and state,” Benson says. “The atmosphere at Research in the Rotunda is electric, and students leave with a sense of pride and gratitude.”

Six research projects will be presented by UW-Eau Claire undergraduates and a seventh project will be presented by UW-Eau Claire – Barron County students. The projects are:

  • “Professional advancement through collaboration and knowledge between nursing and packaging students: The PACK initiative”; Kerry Carlstrom, Collin Anderson, student presenters; Dr. Charlotte Sortedahl, faculty mentor.
  • “Exploring ageism in healthcare: Perspectives from future professionals”; Inessah Cernohous, student presenter; Dr. Frances Hawes, faculty mentor.
  • “A machine learning approach towards prediction of pancreatic cancer using gene expression and DNA methylation”; Paige Keller, Samuel Morehead, student presenters; Dr. Rahul Gomes, faculty mentor.
  • “Exploring farmer’s market nutrition incentive programs in Wisconsin”; Morgan Dekan, Teigen Ploeckelman, student researchers; Dr. Eric Jamelske, Dr. Brianna Rockler, faculty mentors.
  • “Early childhood and education workforce retention: A menacing and elusive crisis”; Zoe Lewis, student researcher; Dr. Angela Jones, Dr. Roderick Jones, faculty mentors.
  • “Vital signs: A digital humanities project exploring the impact of 1918 influenza pandemic on the Chippewa Valley”; Sylvie Leach, student researcher; Greg Kocken, Sarah Beer, faculty mentors.
  • “Mathematical analysis and sustainable design for a 100% renewable energy transition in Milwaukee”; Kaihua Li, Miao Shi, student researchers; Dr. Wufeng Tian, faculty mentor; UW-Eau Claire – Barron County.
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