University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

Wisconsin Small Business Development Center at UW-Eau Claire hosts summer clinics to support entrepreneurs

The Wisconsin Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire is hosting the Eau Claire Summer Series of Small Business Clinics, events designed to provide expert guidance and support to entrepreneurs. These clinics are free and aim to equip small business owners and startups with valuable knowledge and resources to enhance their operations and maximize their potential for success. The events offer a flexible approach with appointment-based services for business owners to choose the services that best suit their needs and book appointments accordingly.

The first clinic will be on June 21, featuring a lineup of experts who will be available for 30-minute one-on-one appointments from noon-6:30 p.m. Attendees will have the opportunity to consult with professionals specializing in QuickBooks, financial, marketing/general startup, as well as gain insights from two featured experts. Luke Kempen, outreach program director for the SBDC, will present an informative session on "Budgeting for Your Business," offering tips to help prepare a business budget and a financial forecast projection. Additionally, representatives from the Wisconsin Department of Revenue will deliver an engaging talk on "Wisconsin Taxes for New Businesses," ensuring entrepreneurs stay compliant and leverage available tax incentives.

The second clinic on July 11 will provide further support and knowledge to local business owners. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in one-on-one 30-minute sessions with experts in QuickBooks, financial, marketing/general startup, as well as benefit from the expertise of featured specialists. The UW Law & Entrepreneurial Clinic will be on hand to share insights on general business law, address legal considerations and offer guidance on navigating common challenges faced by entrepreneurs. Furthermore, SBDC student consultants will present a session titled "How to Hire an Intern," providing valuable insights on leveraging internships to drive business growth. Additionally, professional headshots will be available to attendees, enabling them to enhance their online presence and personal branding.

The final clinic of the summer on Aug. 23 will deliver another exceptional opportunity for entrepreneurs to receive expert guidance in key areas of business. The clinic will offer 30-minute one-on-one appointments with experts in QuickBooks, financial and marketing/general startup, along with featured sessions conducted by SBDC student consultants and the Digital Marketing Clinic. Attendees will gain insights into "Digital Marketing and Utilizing Canva," equipping them with essential knowledge on leveraging digital platforms and creating captivating visual content. SBDC student consultants also will host a session titled "Financial Statements: Understanding Your Numbers," enabling business owners to learn tips and tricks to read and understand financial statements, including income statements and balance sheets. Additionally, professional headshots will be available, further supporting entrepreneurs in building a professional brand image.

All clinics will be at the Eau Claire SBDC office located at 221 W. Madison Street, Suite 110A, Eau Claire. Interested participants are required to register in advance to secure their preferred appointment times. Registration and additional details can be found at