Authored by
Aaron Willis, Ph.D. MSW
He, Him, His
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Assistant Professor
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Contact Information
HSS 262
105 Garfield Avenue
PO Box 4004
Eau Claire, WI 54702
105 Garfield Avenue
PO Box 4004
Eau Claire, WI 54702
Generally speaking, I get to my office between 10:30-11:00am and leave 6:30-7:00pm daily (except Fridays when I will leave earlier). My office door is usually open. If it is open that means I am available and want to meet with students at that time. If it is closed, I am either not in the office, on a Zoom call, or meeting with someone and unavailable. If you want to have a dedicated time with me and insure I will be in the office and available, send me an email to confirm the appointment.
Aaron Willis earned his PhD from Indiana University, his MSW from the University of Chicago, and his BA from Gustavus Adolphus College. His passion and expertise include substance use, behavioral health, harm reduction, and social justice. He is looking forward to becoming involved in collaborative research projects with UWEC students. He is currently exploring the concept of community-level stigma with social work students and using the Transtheoretical Model of Change to help students engage with course content. Aaron is always looking for inquisitive and passionate students to collaborate on research projects.
- PhD, Indiana University (Social Work)
- AM, University of Chicago (Social Work)
- BA, Gustavus Adolphus College (Religion and Criminal Justice)
Teaching and Research Interests
Teaching and Research Interests
- Social Work Research Methods
- Social Work with Families and Groups
- Substance Use
- Harm Reduction
- Students in Recovery
- Social Justice Initiatives
- Community-level stigma
- Supporting students in their research endeavors