Carolyn Otto, Ph.D.
Contact Information
124 Garfield Ave
Eau Claire, WI 54701
- Ph.D., Rice University (Mathematics)
- M.S., Rice University (Mathematics)
- B.S., University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Teaching and Research Interests
- Low dimensional topology, specifically knot and link theory in relation to concordance.
- Virtual knots and links relating to doubling operators.
- Effective ways of teaching mathematics to nonSTEM students and creative writing in math.
Published Research
Davis, Christopher; Martin, Taylor; Otto, Carolyn;. Moves relating C-complexes: A correction to Cimasoni’s “A geometric construction of the Conway potential function.”, Journal of Topology and its Applications. (October 2021)
Otto, Carolyn. Linear Algebra, Secret Agencies, and Zombies: Applications to Enhance Learning and Creativity. In: D'Agostino S., Bryant S., Buchmann A., Guinn M., Harris L. (eds) A Celebration of the EDGE Program’s Impact on the Mathematics Community and Beyond. Association for Women in Mathematics Series, vol 18. Springer, Cham, 2019.
Davis, Christopher; Martin, Taylor; Otto, Carolyn; Park, JungHwan. Every genus one algebraically slice knot is 1-solvable. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 372, no. 5, 3063–3082. September 1, 2019 (electronically March 30, 2019).
Martin, Taylor; Otto, Carolyn. Splittings of link concordance groups. J. Knot Theory Ramifications. 26 (2017), no. 2, 1740007, 11pp.
Otto, Carolyn. The (n)-solvable filtration of link concordance and Milnor’s invariants. Algebraic and Geometric Topology. 14 (2014), no. 5, 2627-2654.
Bodin, Derek; Decleene, Christopher; Hager, William; Otto, Carolyn; Penkava, Michael; Phillipson, Mitch; Steinback, Ryan; Weber, Eric. The moduli space of 1 | 1-dimensional complex associative algebras. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics. 14 (2012), no. 5, 1250030, 25pp.
Otto, Carolyn; Penkava, Michael. The moduli space of three-dimensional Lie algebras. Algebra and its applications, 255-268. Contemporary Mathematics. 419, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2006.
Publications Outside of Academic Research:
Otto, C. Review of Shape: The Hidden Geometry of Information, Biology, Strategy, Democracy, and Everything Else. Math Horizons, Volume 29, Issue 3. March 2022.
Otto, C. (2021, May 25). {\em Learning About Mathematics Through Journaling [MAA Values Blog Post]}. https://www.mathvalues.org/masterblog/learning-about-mathematicians-through-journaling.
Otto, C. The Pandemic Through Our Dogs' Eyes. UWEC Healing Reflections: A Storytelling Collaboration. {https://publicwebuploads.uwec.edu/documents/The-Pandemic-Through-Our-Dogs-Eyes.ALL.pdf}. (2021).
Honors And Recognition
Faculty Sabbatical Award, Applications of Milnor's Invariants for Links, UW-Eau Claire. 2020-2021.
The Council on Undergraduate Research, Math and Computer Science Division’s 2020 Mid-Career Mentoring Award. May 2020.
Karlgaard Faculty Excellence Award. UW-Eau Claire. Spring 2018.