Yaakov Levi
Contact Information
124 Garfield Ave
Eau Claire, WI 54701
and by appointment
- Ph.D., University of Heidelberg
- M.A., University of Haifa
- B.A., University of Haifa
Teaching and Research Interests
Biblical, Rabbinical, and Modern Hebrew
Published Research
1976: Blessing and Cursing in the Hebrew Bible, MA Thesis published internally, The University of Haifa.
1979: Analysis of Hebrew Nouns and Adjectives by Structure, the Academy of the Hebrew Language, and Technion - IsraelInstitute of Technology, Haifa
1980: Historical Analysis of the Israelite Settlement in the Eastern Galilee and the Valley of Yizrael in the Iron I, (היסטוריה יישובית ומדינית בתקופת ההתנחלות), Michlol, Haifa (117 p.)
1983: Unesco Thesaurus, A Hebrew Structured List of Descriptors for Indexing and Retrieving Literature in the Fields of Education, Science, Culture and Communication, National Council for Research and Development, Tel-Aviv (292 p.).
1983: Hebrew for Beginners and Advanced Students, Hochschule für Jüdische Studien, Heidelberg (230 p.).
1984: Political Tendencies in the Time of Ezra and Nehemia, Gestelit, Haifa.
1985: An Analytical Linguistic Key-Word-in-Context Concordance to the Book of Exodus, The Computer Bible Associates, Volume XXVIII, Wooster, OH (406 p.), in collaboration with Y.T. Radday.
1985: What's What - A Visual Glossary of the Physical World (English-Hebrew Version), Sadan Publishing House, Tel-Aviv (540 p.).
1985: Dictionary of General Chemistry and Chemical Laboratory, (Hebrew-English & English-Hebrew), The Academy of the Hebrew Language – Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, (90 p.), Haifa & Jerusalem.
1986: Energy Terminology - An English-Hebrew Glossary, Israel World Energy Conference, Haifa (393 p.).
1987: Die Inkongruenz im biblischen Hebräisch (Disagreement in Biblical Hebrew), Verlag Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden (243 p.).
1988: Introduction to Rabbinic Literature (מבוא לתורה שבעל-פה - for internal use only), LaStudent – University of Haifa, (133 p.).
1989: Dictionary of Highway Engineering Terms – Traffic and Construction, (Hebrew-English & English-Hebrew), The Academy of The Hebrew Language – Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (90 p.), Haifa & Jerusalem.
1989: Consultant for the publication of the Hebrew version of Look it Up (חדוות הדעת) (Children Encyclopedia), the second edition, Macmillan Publishers Limited, 1986 (10 volumes), Kinneret Publishing House, Ramat Gan
1992: Dictionary of Painting Terms (Hebrew-English & English-Hebrew), The Academy of the Hebrew Language – Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (47 p.), Haifa & Jerusalem.
1992: Dictionary of Geodesy Terms, (Hebrew-English & English-Hebrew), The Academy of the Hebrew Language – Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, The Central Committee for Technological Terminology, (111 p.), Haifa & Jerusalem.
Books To be published:
Patterns of Hebrew Nouns and Adjectives From the Bible to Modern Time (ca. 2,000 pages)
Rabbinic Sources to Rashi’s Commentary on the Story of Creation
The Religious Struggle During the House of Omri