Hyoseok (David) Hwang, Ph.D.
Contact Information
1702 Park Ave
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Louisiana State University
Ph. D. in Finance
University of Nebraska
M.S. in Economics
University of Seoul - Seoul, Korea
B.S. in Economics
Teaching and Research Interests
Teaching: Corporate Finance, Financial Markets and Institutions, Investments, FinTech
Research: Corporate Governance, Mutual Funds, Class Action Lawsuits, Investment Banks
Published Research
The Predictability Implied by Consumption-Based Asset Pricing Models: A Review of the Theory and Empirical Evidence (with Jiun-Lin (Alex) Chen). 2018. Journal of Risk Model Validation 12(2), 103-128. (doi.org/10.21314/JRMV.2018.190)
Informed Trading of Mutual Funds: Evidence from Fund-Underwriter Relationships. 2019. Financial Management 48(1), 311-338. (doi.org/10.1111/fima.12230)
Business Cycle, Expected Return and Momentum Payoffs (with Jiun-Lin (Alex) Chen). 2019. Finance Research Letters 29, 83-89. (doi.org/10.1016/j.frl.2019.03.021)
The Blind Power: Power-Driven CEO Overconfidence and M&A Decision-Making (with Hyun-Dong Kim and Taeyeon Kim). 2020. North American Journal of Economics and Finance 52. 101141. (doi.org/10.1016/j.najef.2019.101141)
Changes in Trading Behavior of Analyst-Affiliated Institutions: The Impact of the Global Settlement. 2021. Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments 30(3), 65-83. (doi.org/10.1111/fmii.12142)
The Real Effects of Local Mutual Funds: Evidence from Corporate Innovation. 2023. International Review of Finance 23(2), 272-300. ( doi.org/10.1111/irfi.12398 )
Do Local Investors Know More? Evidence from Securities Class Actions (with Hyun-Dong Kim and Taeyeon Kim). 2023. Journal of Banking & Finance 156. (doi.org/10.1016/j.jbankfin.2023.107008)
Informed Trading of Sell-Side Analysts: Evidence from Class Action Lawsuits. 2024. Journal of Economic Analysis 3(3), 86–105. (doi.org/10.58567/jea03030005)
Market Sentiment and SPACs (with Yom Bui). 2024. Applied Economics Letters, 1-6. (doi.org/10.1080/13504851.2023.2301479)
The Effects of Local Shareholders on Firm Performance: Evidence from Corporate Social Responsibility (with Hyun Gon Kim). 2024. Applied Finance Letters 13, 128-143. (doi.org/10.24135/afl.v13i.718)
Timeliness of Investor Reaction to Corporate Crypto-Asset Investment: Evidence from Types of Disclosures (with Jidong Zhang). forthcoming. Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance. (doi.org/10.1002/jcaf.22746)
Does Litigation Contingency Disclosure in Corporate Filings Matter? Evidence from Securities Class Action Lawsuits (with Zhanel DeVides). forthcoming. Managerial Finance. (doi.org/10.1108/MF-12-2023-0758)