Dr. Erik Hendrickson
Contact Information
101 Roosevelt Ave
Eau Claire, WI 54701
I grew up in northwestern Wisconsin (in the Dresser/St. Croix Falls area), working on a dairy farm for some of that time, fishing and hunting, and just loving to explore the outdoors. This is where my passion for figuring out how things work comes from! While working on my undergraduate degree at UW - River Falls, I started taking fun and interesting science demos out to schools to help more people get excited about science. While a graduate student at Michigan State University, I helped start a student organization called Science Theatre. We had science students from a wide variety of areas taking out demos to schools and other public events showcasing physics, biology, chemistry, engineering, etc. We won the 1993 AAAS Public Understanding of Science & Technology Award for our work with Science Theatre. I joined the UWEC Physics & Astronomy Department in 1994.
Ph.D. - 1994 - Michigan State University, Condensed Matter Physics
M.S. - 1990 - Michigan State University, Physics
B.S. - 1988 - University of Wisconsin-River Falls, Physics
Teaching and Research Interests
Introductory Physics courses (for both majors and non-majors)
Electricity & Magnetism
Advanced Lab
Recently worked with one student collaborator on a cloud chamber project to explore properties of elementary particles and with another student collaborator on an acoustic levitator.
Previous project: building an apparatus to demonstrate/measure the magnetic field of Europa.
Student Organization Faculty Advisor for the Society of Physics Students and Sigma Pi Sigma (the National Physics Honor Society).
Secretary/Treasurer for the Wisconsin Association of Physics Teachers.
Published Research
Instructor's Solutions Manual for Giancoli's Physics for Scientists & Engineers, 5th Edition, co-author Dr. Bob Davis.
Instructor's Solutions Manual for Giancoli's Physics: Principles & Applications, 7th Edition, co-author Dr. Bob Davis.
Hendrickson, James Erik; Pratt, William P.; Kuo, Ching-Tung; Xie, Qingshan; Dye, James L. 1996. 'Optical Absorption and Reflection Spectra of Na+(C222)Na-' The Journal of Physical Chemistry. Volume 100, No 9, pp 3395 - 3401.
Hendrickson, James Erik; Xu, Guangzhou; Pratt, William P.; Dye, James L. 1997. 'Photolysis of Na+(Cryptand[2.2.2])Na-: Photobleaching of Absorbance and Quenching of Fluorescence' The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. Volume 101, No 23, pp 4149 - 4155.
Hendrickson, James Erik; Pratt, William P.; Phillips, Richard C.; Dye, James L. 1998. 'Optical Spectra and Conductivities of Thin Films of the Electride K+(cryptand[2.2.2])e-' The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Volume 102, No 20, pp 3917 - 3926.
Honors And Recognition
UWEC Excellence in Service Award - 2011
Student Organization Advisor Award - 2003, 2013
UWEC Education Professor of the Year - 2003, 2009
WAPT Excellence in Teaching Physics Award - 2000