Derek Gingerich, Ph.D.
Contact Information
Department of Biology
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Eau Claire, WI 54702-4004
Dr. Gingerich is a Professor in the Department of Biology, with areas of expertise including plant molecular genetics and bioinformatics. He earned his B.S in Biology and Biochemistry from Eastern Mennonite University, his Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Molecular, and Cell Biology from Cornell University, and did post-doctoral research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He teaches both foundation and upper-level courses in the department, including BIOL221 Foundations of Biology I, BIOL305 Molecular and Cell Biology, BIOL324 Genetics Inquiry, and BIOL405 Advanced Cell and Molecular Lab. His research program studies the molecular genetics of plant light responses, the evolution of plant gene families involved in selective protein degradation, and he collaborates with colleagues on a project studying the role of human genetic variants in disease. He has been a research mentor for more than forty students in his time at UWEC. He is a member of the American Society of Plant Biologists and was involved in the creation of the Primarily Undergraduate Institutions section of that Society. He is currently leading a group whose goal is the promotion of interaction between PUI faculty in plant and plant-related fields. He also has interest in the intersection of science and religious faith and has participated in several public forums related to those issues. He is married, a father of three, an avid runner, cross-country skier, and cyclist, and enjoys collecting, restoring, and running old toy trains.
- Ph.D., Field of Biochemistry, Molecular, and Cell Biology, Cornell University (2002)
- B.S., Biology and Biochemistry, Eastern Mennonite University (1996)
Teaching and Research Interests
- Molecular Biology
- Genetics
- Plant Physiology
- Bioinformatics
- Investigation of BTB/CUL3 E3 ubiquitin-ligase function and evolution in plants
- Investigation of plant light perception and response pathways
Published Research
1. Gingerich, D., Reither, D., Leavens, C., Wegner, S., Fischer, G., and Lyman-Gingerich, J. The RPGR variant c.619+5G>C activates a cryptic splice site resulting in differential splicing. In Preparation
2. Gingerich, D., Hellmann, H., Christians, M., & Stone, S. (2021). Structure, Function, and Evolution of E3 Ligases and Targets. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12
3. Majee, M., Kumar, S., Kathare, P.K., Wu, S., Gingerich, D., Nayak, N.R., Salaita, L., Dinkins, R., Martin, K., Goodin, M., Dirk, L.M., Lloyd, T.D., Ling, Z., Chappell, J., Hunt, A.G., Vierstra, R.D., Huq, E. and Downie, A.B. (2018) KELCH F-BOX protein positively influences Arabidopsis seed germination by targeting PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR 1. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 115.17: E4120-E4129.
4. Majee, M., Wu, S., Salaita, L., Gingerich, D., Dirk, LMA, Chappell J., Hunt A.G., Vierstra, R. Downie, A.B. (2017) A misannotated locus positively influencing Arabidopsis seed germination is deconvoluted using multiple methods, including surrogate splicing. Plant Gene. 10:74-85
5. Christians, M.J., Gingerich, D.J., Zhihua, H., Lauer, T.D., Vierstra, R.D. (2012) The Light-Response BTB1 and 2 Proteins Assemble Nuclear Ubiquitin Ligases that Modify Phytochrome B and D Signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. 160:118-134
6. Christians M.J., Gingerich D.J., Hansen M., Binder B.M., Kieber J.J., Vierstra R.D. (2009) The BTB ubiquitin ligases ETO1, EOL1 and EOL2 act collectively to regulate ethylene biosynthesis in Arabidopsis by controlling type-2 ACC synthase levels. The Plant Journal. 57:332-345
7. Gingerich, D.J., Hanada, K., Shiu, S.H., Vierstra, R.D. (2007) Large-Scale, Lineage-Specific Expansion of a Bric-a-Brac/Tramtrack/Broad Complex Ubiquitin-Ligase Gene Family in Rice. Plant Cell 19:2329-2348.
8. Gingerich D.J., Gagne J.M., Salter D.W., Hellmann H., Estelle M., Ma L., Vierstra R.D. (2005) Cullins 3a and 3b Assemble with Members of the Broad Complex/Tramtrack/Bric-a-Brac (BTB) Protein Family to Form Essential Ubiquitin-Protein Ligases (E3s) in Arabidopsis. J. Biol Chem. 280:18810-18821.
9. Gagne J.M., Smalle J., Gingerich D.J., Walker J.M., Yoo S.D., Yanagisawa S., Vierstra R.D. (2004) Arabidopsis EIN3-binding F-box 1 and 2 form ubiquitin-protein ligases that repress ethylene action and promote growth by directing EIN3 degradation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 101:6803-6808.
10. Downes B.P., Stupar R.M., Gingerich D.J., Vierstra R.D. (2003) The HECT ubiquitin-protein ligase (UPL) family in Arabidopsis: UPL3 has a specific role in trichome development. Plant J. 35:729-742.
11. Che P., Gingerich D.J., Lall S., Howell S.H. (2002) Global and hormone-induced gene expression changes during shoot development in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 14: 2771-2785.
12. Faure J-D, Gingerich D. J., Howell S.H. (1998) An Arabidopsis immunophilin, AtFKBP12, binds to AtFIP37 (FKBP interacting protein) in an interaction that is disrupted by FK506. The Plant Journal. 15: 783-789
Honors And Recognition
UWEC Biology Department Vic and Eileen Cvancara Outstanding Teacher Award (2019)
UWEC College of Arts and Sciences Exemplary Colleague Award (2023)