Matt Evans
Contact Information
I have been teaching at UWEC since 1999, with much of that time looking at the technologies of teaching, including the effective use of iClickers in our introductory classrooms. Recently my research has been in areas of student interest, including effects of magnetic fields on cosmic particles, stresses and strains of various tennis racket grips and the susceptibility of running injuries based on running gait. Beyond the department I have been the Director of the Blugold Fellowship (Since 2005), filled in as the Interim Director of the McNair Program, have been the President for the Wisconsin Association of Physics Teachers, and have been the faculty advisor for the Men’s Rugby Team (2000-present), and the Triathlon Club (2010-present). Additionally you can find me teaching Distance Running for Health and Fitness spring semesters, with the culmination of the students completing the Eau Claire half or full marathon.
- Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (Physics)
- M.S., University of Minnesota - Duluth (Physics)
- B.S., University of Minnesota - Twin Cities (Physics)
Published Research
Injury Rates for Novice Half and Full Marathoners as a Function of Increased Distance, Marissa Becker, CERCA 2020 (2017-2020)
Power of People: An Analysis of Power Calculating Technology, Becca Krueger, CERCA 2020 (2020)
How Grip Affects Susceptibility to Medial Epicondylitis Among Tennis Players, Grant Mauthe, Sara Zuroski, and Ryan Gallagher, CERCA 2020 (2020)
Gait Modification while Running with a Lower Body Positive Pressure Treadmill System Ali Gedlinske, Renee Culbertson, Stephan Suydam, Malcolm Macaulay, and Matt Evans, CERCA 2018 and American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Combined Sections Meeting 2018 in New Orleans, LA (9/2016-5/2018)
Marathon Training and Perceived Exertion: Can Self-Evaluation Lead to Healthier Runners at the Starting Line?Renee Culbertson, Ali Gedlinske, Stephan Suydam, and Matt Evans CERCA 2018 (2017-2018)
In Hot Water and Tight Spots: Navigating Obstacles in Research and in Life, Mara Reed, Provost’s Honors Symposium 2016.
Injury Rates For Novice Half And Full Marathoners As A Function Of Increased Distance, Marissa Becker and Matt Evans, 2020 American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, virtual, May 2020
Giving Every Student a Voice: Infusing Active Learning Through Technology, i>clicker Webinar August 2019
iClicker Cloud - New Instructor Desktop Experience, , i>clicker Feature and Teacher Webinar February and March 2019
Engaging Your Students Before, During and After Class, Academic Affairs Collaborative Learning Day, Kirkwood College, Cedar Rapids, IA, January 2019
Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity Efforts at a Departmental and University Level, Wisconsin Association of Physics Teachers, Whitewater, WI, October 2018
Active Learning in Physics, i>Clicker Feature and Teacher Webinar October 2018
Marathon Training and RPE: Can self-evaluation lead to more healthy runners at the starting line?, American Society of Biomechanics, , Rochester, MN, August 8-11, 2018
Getting Students to Class and Engaging them Once They are There, i>clicker Feature and Teacher Webinar,March 2018
High-quality OER & library resources and use real-time insights into student engagement, “E”ffordability Summit: Be The Change, UW-Stout, March 2018
Student Success in McNair, McNair Conference, UW-Stout, August 2017
Introducing Student Response Systems; How They Help Facilitate Learning, Boise State University, Boise, ID, April 2017