Marcela Depiante, Ph.D.
Contact Information
105 Garfield Ave
PO Box 4004
Eau Claire, WI 54702-4004
Ph.D. in Linguistics. 2000. University of Connecticut, Storrs. Dissertation title: The Syntax of Deep and Surface Anaphora: A study of Null Complement Anaphora and Stripping/Bare Argument Ellipsis. Adviser: Howard Lasnik.
Master of Arts in Linguistics. University of Maryland at College Park. Thesis title: "Incorporation and the Argument/Adjunct Distinction.” Adviser: Juan Uriagereka.
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a concentration in Linguistics. University of Massachusetts at Boston. Undergraduate Adviser: Esther Torrego
Teaching and Research Interests
COURSES TAUGHT 2008-present:
Spanish Linguistics Courses: Span 491 Introduction to Spanish Linguistics, Span 360 Topics in Hispanic Linguistics, Span 320 Survey of the Spanish Language: History and Dialects. Span 492 Seminar in Hispanic Linguistics Research: Spanish/English Bilingualism, Span 325 Spanish Phonetics and Pronunciation.
Spanish Language/Translation Courses: Span 410 Advanced Spanish Grammar, Span 409 The Craft of Translation, Span 301 Advanced Spanish Composition, Span 202 Intermediate Spanish, Span 102 Beginning Spanish II.
Romance Linguistics. Comparative (Spanish/English) syntax and morphology. Ellipsis and anaphora phenomena in natural languages. The syntax and semantics of adpositions. Bilingualism. L1 Attrition. The Syntax of Heritage Spanish in the US.
Published Research
Google Scholar Citation Profile
October 14, 2023. (with A. Ausín, Michigan State University) "Raising issues with Spanish ‘parecer’: Infinitival vs Small Clause complements." Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2023 (HLS 2023) Brigham Young University. Provo, Utah. https://hls2023.byu.edu/
June 23, 2023. “A syntactic analysis of locative 'a/en lo de' constructions in Argentinean Spanish.” XXXIII Congreso Internacional de Literatura y Estudios Hispánicos. Cádiz, Spain. June 21-23, 2023.
3 June, 2022 (with Adolfo Ausín, Michigan State University): “Predication vs. Hyper-Raising in Spanish,” The 31st Colloquium on Generative Grammar at the University of the Balearic Islands in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. (June 1-3, 2022)
18 November, 2021. (with Adolfo Ausín, Michigan State University) "Partial Agreement in Spanish." VARINT21: Workshop on Linguistic Variation at the Interfaces II. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Barcelona, Spain. (November 18-19, 2021.) https://sites.google.com/view/varint21/home
8 October, 2021. (with Adolfo Ausín, Michigan State University) "Person Restrictions in Non-Canonical Agreement Patterns in Spanish." Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2021. Wake Forest University. Winston-Salem, North Carolina. November 7-9, 2021. http://hls2021.wfu.edu/
4 July, 2020. “On silent PLACE in a variety of Spanish.” Linguistics Symposium of Romance Languages (LSRL) 50. July 1-3 & July 6-8, 2020 (Online) Organized by the University of Texas,Austin. http://sites.utexas.edu/lsrl50/
12 December, 2019. “Stressed Prepositions in Spanish.” Invited talk given at the Department of Linguistics and Basque Studies, University of the Basque Country. Vitoria-Gasteiz. Spain.
7 November, 2019. “Null VPs in Spanish/English Bilinguals.” Invited talk given at the Centre for Research in Language Development throughout the Lifespan (LaDeLi). Department of Language and Linguistics. University of Essex. United Kingdom.
26 October 2019. “An Analysis of Orphan Prepositions in Spanish” 2019 Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. University of Texas, El Paso. (October 24-26, 2019) https://www.utep.edu/liberalarts/hispanic-linguistics-symposium-2019/
Ausín, Adolfo and Marcela Depiante (2023) "Person restrictions in non-canonical agreement patterns in Spanish." In Cuenca, Sara Fernández; Tiffany Judy and Lauren Miller (eds.) Innovative Approaches to Research in Hispanic Linguistics: Regional, diachronic, and learner profile variation (Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics Series). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. https://doi.org/10.1075/ihll.38.02aus
Depiante, Marcela (2019) "Null Complement Anaphora” in van Craenenbroeck, Jeroen & Tanja Temmerman (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Ellipsis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Depiante, Marcela and Ellen Thompson (2013) “Preposition Stranding in Heritage Speakers of Spanish” Coyote Papers 21: Proceedings of the Arizona Linguistics Circle. Edited by H.K. Jung and J. Schertz. University of Arizona. Tucson, Arizona.
Depiante, Marcela and Luis Vicente (2012) "El movimiento y la morfología del verbo." In El movimiento de constituyentes Edited by José M. Brucart & Ángel J. Gallego. Madrid: Visor.
Depiante, Marcela and Jorge Hankamer (2005) “La condición de identidad en la elipsis: El caso del truncamiento.” Sociedad Argentina de Lingüística (SAL) Proceedings, Argentina.
Depiante, Marcela (2004) “Dos casos de elipsis con partícula de polaridad en español.” RASAL Lingüística. Número 1:53-69. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Depiante, Marcela (2001) “On Null Complement Anaphora in Spanish and Italian.” Probus 13:193-221.
Lasnik, Howard with Marcela Depiante and Arthur Stepanov (2000) Syntactic Structures Revisited: Contemporary Lectures on Classical Transformational Theory. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Ausín, Adolfo and Marcela Depiante (2000) "On the syntax of parecer (‘To Seem”) with and without an experiencer” in Campos, Héctor, Elena Herburger, Alfonso Morales-Front, and Thomas J. Walsh (eds.) Hispanic Linguistics at the Turn of the Millennium. Papers from the 3rd Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. 155-170. Cascadilla Press. Somerville, MA.
Depiante, Marcela (1998) “On the Representation of Downstep: The case of Krachi and Chumburung” in Chen, Deborah, Tien-Hsin Hsin and Eric Short (eds.) “Papers in Phonology” University of Connecticut Working Papers in Linguistics Number 9. Pages 129-148. Published by MIT Working Papers in Linguistics.