Robert Bell
Contact Information
124 Garfield Ave
Eau Claire, Wi 54729
Wednesday 2:00-3:00pm
- B.A. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (History, and American Indian Studies)
- M.A. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (History, emphasis on American Indian History)
Teaching and Research Interests
The effects of European and American contact with American Indian tribes. The efforts by American Indian tribes to regain their lost cultures and languages.
Also the importance of treaties with American Indian tribes and the United States and the ramifications of the treaties signed during the nineteenth century and how those treaties have a direct effect on today.
The treaties that were negotiated during the nineteenth century and how those treaties have been changed by the United States and how those changes effect today.
Also the effects of imperialism on the indigenous people of the world. This topic extempore beyond the borders of the United States as nineteenth century colonialism has many long lasting effect that are felt in many places in the world today by many indigenous people.