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Spring 2025 Voting Guide

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire students are encouraged to vote in the 2025 spring primary and general elections.

The spring primary election is Tuesday, Feb. 18 and the general election is Tuesday, April 1. The general election features statewide races for the Wisconsin Supreme Court and State Superintendent of Public Instruction, as well as local races for city councils, area school district boards, and a state referendum question.

Before you vote

You must register before voting. Voters can register online at up to 20 days prior to the general election (Mar. 12), or in-person at their municipal clerk’s office until 4 p.m. the Friday before the election (Mar. 28).

If you don’t register in advance, you may register in person at your polling place on Election Day.

If registering to vote at your polling place, students are reminded to bring an acceptable photo ID card and proof of residency in the ward where they wish to vote. Note that your acceptable photo ID card does not need to include a local address. Learn which documents can be used as proof of residency.

If you are unable to go to your polling place on Election Day, you may fill out an in-person absentee ballot or request an absentee ballot be mailed to you.

April 1 General Election Absentee Voting 

  • In-person absentee voting for city of Eau Claire residents is available Tuesday, Mar. 18, through Friday, Mar. 28, on weekdays from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Voters can cast their ballots in the Elections Office across the alley from City Hall at 203 S. Farwell Street.
  • Voters can request an absentee ballot be sent to them via U.S. mail using The request must be received by the city clerk’s office by 5 p.m. Mar. 27. Completed ballots must be received by elections staff no later than 8 p.m. on April 1.
  • Learn more about returning your absentee ballot here.

Do your research

Voters can look at the races on their ballot and do research on the candidates. To see who is on your election ballot, go to

In-person voting

  • Davies Center is the in-person polling site for on-campus students and the polls will be open from 7 a.m.-8 p.m. on Election Day. Students who live in on-campus residence halls reside in Ward 20.
  • Many campus-area community residents also are assigned to this polling place, so the university must provide parking spaces in the Phillips Lot for voters on election days. Obey all temporary parking signage indicating “Voter Parking Only” between Davies Center and Phillips Hall on Election Day.
  • Off-campus students are advised to check the website to determine their in-person polling site.

At the polls

  • Students must present an acceptable photo ID card at the polls. Acceptable IDs include a Wisconsin driver’s license, Wisconsin state ID card, military ID card or passport.
  • Your UW-Eau Claire student ID (Blugold Card) is Wisconsin Voter ID Compliant as long as it includes your signature. Poll workers will check to see that the name on your photo ID matches your legal name as it appears in the poll book. Even if your Blugold Card shows your preferred name on the front, know that your legal name is printed on the back above the signature box.
    • NOTE: Electronic ID's are not acceptable forms of voter identification. Students who do not have a physical Blugold ID card can obtain a free voter compliant ID card from the Blugold Card Office (located on the first floor of the Davies Center) during regular business hours.
  • You may still use your Blugold Card if it has expired, but you must also bring a document proving your current enrollment at the university. Students may download a voter verification form from MyBlugold CampS that provides proof of enrollment and your current local address. This form also can be used as proof of residency when registering to vote. See instructions for downloading the form and note that your pop-up blocker must be disabled to load the document on Apple devices.
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University Centers/Davies Student Center

Davies Student Center
77 Roosevelt Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54701
United States