How do I earn a cord?
To be eligible to wear the Excellence in Sustainability Honors cord, a student must have accumulated a total of 10 points or more over the course of their undergraduate career, based on the criteria listed below.
Where do I sign up?
Students who feel they qualify may submit their request by filling out the qualtrics survey below. Formats such as bullet points are perfectly acceptable. If you do not qualify for a total of 10 points, but feel your contributions to campus sustainability have been substantial, please have a mentor, faculty member, or supervisor write a letter of recommendation detailing your contributions to campus sustainability and email it to be considered along with your completed qualtrics survey.
Sign up here
If you only held a position for a semester, you qualify for the points in that category.
There is no maximum on points/points are stackable within each category, and add up over the course of your college career. Fulfilling 1 criteria means you get the points (for example, serving as an SOS intern and conducting research related to sustainability = 10 points. Serving as an active member in a sustainability-centered club = 1 point).
Please direct any questions or comments about our criteria to
In this survey there is an opportunity for you to upload a file with any work you want to share with us, as well as a photo of yourself so we can highlight the work you have done on our social media pages.
Please also consider preparing a short answer to this optional question: As a graduating student, you've seen sustainability grow on campus. If you feel comfortable sharing, take a few sentences to express what your favorite campus sustainability feature, project, or recent initiative is!