Student Stipend: For summer projects, grants are limited to the following student stipend amounts per proposal - up to $2,300 per student with a maximum of $6,900 per project. The total stipend for any individual student working on multiple projects may be limited to $3,500 in the funding cycle, depending on the availability of funds.
Academic year projects are limited to the following student stipend amounts per proposal - up to $2,000 per student, with a maximum of $6,000 per project. Students working on multiple projects may be limited to a maximum stipend of $3,000 for all projects in one funding cycle, depending on the availability of funds. Faculty/Staff mentors can submit multiple projects requesting full student stipend amount, awards will be determined based on the availability of funds.
Supplies, Services, and Travel: In addition to the stipends, each collaborative project is eligible to receive up to $600 for supplies, services, and travel directly related to the project (not for travel to present at a conference, see Student Travel for the Presentation of Research Results.
Faculty and academic staff with .5 FTE or greater appointments working with UWEC students who qualify as one (or more) of the following: students of color; low income (defined as Pell-Grant eligible); first-generation; non-traditional; no incoming credits; or registered with Services for Students with Disabilities. Please check with ORSP at 715-836-3405 to determine whether a student qualifies for this program. Students who are eligible for this program are also eligible for all other student funding opportunities ORSP offers; students are unlikely to receive more than two awards under this program in their career.
Deadlines for Application:
The proposal may be submitted at any time.
Application Process/Writing Guide:
The Diversity Mentoring application must be initiated by a faculty member.
Faculty mentors are encouraged to mentor students in proposal-writing as appropriate to the situation. For students, the Center for Writing Excellence, can help at any stage of the writing process, from brainstorming and outlining to organizing arguments and polishing claims.
Go to the eform application for additional application information.