Commencement FAQs and Additional Information
Frequently Asked Questions
Explore commonly asked questions around Commencement and preparing for graduation.
Academic regalia is available for purchase starting at the University Bookstore.
Graduation with distinction is conferred at commencement exercises upon eligible students earning a first or second baccalaureate or associate degree. Eligibility is based on both the resident and the total GPAs as defined under Grade Point Requirements. A student must earn in both computations (resident and total GPAs) the minimum GPA required at each of the three levels of distinction listed below and a minimum of 30 credits in residence to be eligible. Candidates who have met the requirement will be recognized during the ceremony and may purchase a gold cord.
- Summa Cum Laude, 3.8 GPA or higher
- Magna Cum Laude, 3.5 GPA or higher
- Cum Laude, 3.2 GPA or higher
Your transcript is a legal document and must contain your legal name. Information on how to update your legal name can be found on the Student Forms webpage.
Your name and the degree information on MyBlugold CampS will be used to produce your diploma, commencement program and news releases. Please check your information on MyBlugold CampS:
- Self Service > Campus Personal Information > Names
- for your diploma name
- Self Service > Student Center > My Academics
- for your major, minor and degree information
Contact Degree Review to request a name change on your diploma.
You can expect your diploma to be be mailed approximately 6 - 8 weeks after semester grades have been submitted. Please be sure to update your home address in MyBlugold CampS to ensure your diploma reaches you at the correct address. View instructions for updating personal contact information.
Visit the Grad Images website to find photos of your favorite graduate.
Students who complete their coursework during the Winterim session will be invited to attend the previous Fall Commencement Ceremony held in December. Information about the ceremony will be sent to your UWEC email account.
Students who complete their coursework during the Summer Session will be invited to attend the following Fall Commencement Ceremony. Information about the ceremony will be sent to your UWEC email account.
Accommodations can be made for extenuating circumstances. To request participation in an alternate ceremony, please email and to make your request.
Your name and the degree information on MyBlugold CampS will be used to produce your diploma, Commencement program and news releases. Please check your information on MyBlugold CampS:
- Self Service > Campus Personal Information > Names
- for your diploma name
- Self Service > Student Center > My Academics
- for your major, minor and degree information
If any changes or corrections are needed, contact Degree Review.
If you do not want the News Bureau to share your name with your hometown newspaper,
or if you do not wish to have your name included in the Commencement program, use MyBlugold CampS to exclude that information. Information on editing this information is available here. All corrections and exclusions for December 2022 Commencement must be made no later than 4 weeks prior to the end of the semester.
For more information consult the Student Rights under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act page.
Graduation at UW-Eau Claire is one of the most important milestones in the life of our students. To assist students in preparing for graduation and to continue to offer a memorable commencement ceremony, a one-time, non-refundable processing fee will be assessed to all students using the following fee schedule.
Senior Processing Fee: $100.00
Assessed to undergraduate students who have accumulated 90 credits.
Graduate Processing Fee: $100.00
Assessed to graduate students who have accumulated 21 credits.
- What will the processing fee be used for?
- The costs of graduation and commencement includes extensive staff time to plan and organize multiple events that involve thousands of students, parents, friends and guests along with the costs of processing and mailing of diplomas and transcripts. The processing fee contributes to these rising costs.
- Is UW-Eau Claire the only university to have this fee?
- For many years UW-Eau Claire was one of the few universities in the UW System without a graduation fee. Fees for graduation at regional comprehensive universities in the UW System range from $45 at Green Bay to $100 at Stout. This fee applies to all students and is nonrefundable.
- What if I do not intend to participate in commencement? Do I still need to pay the fee?
- Yes, the processing fee supports not only the commencement ceremony, but also assists all students in better preparing and celebrating their graduation.
- What if I do not pay the fee?
- Like any other university fee, registering for classes and receiving academic transcripts requires that your outstanding balance is paid.
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Commencement Protocol 9/2/2024
Commencement at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire is important to the preservation of our tradition and history. The ceremonies serve primarily as recognition of our graduates’ achievements during their time on our campus and as recognition of outstanding alumni. The purpose of this protocol is to serve as a set of standards for which the ceremonies follow.
Commencement ceremonies are held at the completion of each of the fall and spring semesters. Information regarding the commencement ceremonies is available from the Commencement Office. Information regarding requirements to graduate and application is available from Blugold Central.
Student Eligibility
Candidates for graduation are invited to participate in commencement in the term that they complete all degree requirements. Candidates who participate will attend the college’s ceremony in which they are receiving their degree.
Students who complete their final requirements during Summer Session will be invited to participate in the following fall commencement ceremony.
Students who complete their final requirements during Winterim will be invited to participate in the previous fall commencement ceremony. Although Winterim graduates participate in an earlier commencement ceremony, the degree and diploma will be awarded only after all degree requirements have been fulfilled.
Fall or spring graduate candidates who wish to participate in an early comment ceremony must make an application for graduation and write a letter of appeal. Appeals should be emailed to and A degree auditor will review the appeal and approve or deny the request, and written notification will be sent to the student. Students who request to participate in an early commencement must follow the published commencement participation deadlines for the term they are appealing.
Although students may be allowed to participate in an early commencement ceremony, the degree and diploma will be awarded only after all degree requirements have been fulfilled.
Graduating in Absentia
If you do not want to or are unable to graduate in person, you will graduate in absentia. You will be able to watch a live broadcast of your ceremony online. Graduates in absentia will receive the diploma and diploma cover by mail to their home address on file with the university. It will not be possible to receive your diploma, diploma cover or program prior to the ceremony.
Academic Regalia
The purpose of the regalia worn at academic ceremonies is to recognize the academic accomplishments earned by the wearer. If participating in the ceremony, candidates must wear a cap and gown. Approved academic regalia is available for purchase at the university bookstore.
Baccalaureate candidates should wear a blue mortarboard and blue bachelor’s gown. The blue and gold tassel should be worn on the right side of the mortarboard until the degree has been conferred during the ceremony. Candidates may choose to purchase ornaments including cords, stoles or medallions if the criteria for such items have been met. Information on criteria can be found on the website.
Master candidates should wear a black mortarboard and black master gown with oblong shaped sleeves and a master hood. The blue and gold tassel should be worn on the left side of the mortarboard to signify a previous university degree has been earned. Hoods are trimmed with the colors of the institution and the color of your degree. It is not customary for master candidates to wear cords or stoles.
Specialist candidates should wear a black mortarboard and black master gown with oblong shaped sleeves and a master hood. The blue and gold tassel should be worn on the left side of the mortarboard to signify a previous university degree has been earned. Hoods are trimmed with the colors of the institution and the color of your degree. It is not customary for specialist candidates to wear cords or stoles.
Doctoral candidates should wear a black tam and black doctoral gown with bell shaped sleeves and velvet bands and a doctoral hood. The gold tassel should be worn on the left side of the tam to signify a previous university degree has been earned. Hoods are trimmed with the colors of the institution and the color of your degree. It is not customary for doctoral candidates to wear cords or stoles.
Candidates may decorate their mortarboards. Decoration should be flat on the top of the mortarboard. Embellishments that impede the view of the students seated behind you are prohibited. Decoration with offensive language or symbols will not be allowed.
Military graduates from UW-Eau Claire’s ROTC program may wear the appropriate military uniform if they are swearing the oath of office.
Indigenous or religious exceptions may be allowed, but prior approval must be obtained. Appeals for indigenous or religious exceptions should be sent in writing to the Commencement Office at
Faculty and members of the platform party must wear the regalia to which they are entitled based on their individual academic accomplishments, which may include a hood representing the institution of the highest degree earned. The Chancellor is entitled to wear a fourth velvet arm stripe regardless of the highest academic degree earned and will also wear the university medallion. Members of the Board of Regents may wear the regalia of office regardless of the academic degree earned.
Procession and Ceremony
The order of the processional should remain consistent, although there may be cases where doctoral, master or specialist candidates are not present for the ceremonies. During the recessional the reverse order is taken. The Chancellor should be the last to enter the arena and the first to leave the arena.
Processional to music:
Doctoral candidates Specialist candidates Master candidates Baccalaureate candidates
Head commencement marshal with university mace
Platform party lead by the provost
The order of the ceremony should remain consistent. Regents and Student Body Presidents are invited, as a courtesy, to provide brief congratulatory remarks. The Student Body President is invited to give remarks during the term in which they are slated to graduate.
Guests are not permitted onto the stage with a graduate unless necessary to meet accessibility or accommodation needs.
Special circumstances to the presentation and conferral of degrees include honorary and posthumous degrees. If an honorary degree is to be awarded, the presentation and conferral will occur before any other degrees have been presented and conferred. In the event of a posthumous degree, the family of the deceased degree recipient will be invited to attend and accept the diploma on the deceased’s behalf. The posthumous degree should be awarded after the eligible candidates in that career.
Order of the ceremony:
Greetings from the head commencement marshal
National Anthem led by a graduate candidate and accompanied by brass quintet
Welcome and introduction of platform party
Remarks by student body president (by invitation)
Greetings from a UW System regent (by invitation)
Chancellor’s address
Introduction of alumni award recipients
Charge to the class
Presentation and conferral of honorary degrees (see special circumstances above)
Presentation and conferral of doctoral degrees
Presentation and conferral of specialist degrees Presentation and conferral of master degrees
Presentation and conferral of baccalaureate degrees
Presentation and conferral of posthumous degrees (see special circumstances above)
Blugold reflections by student speaker
University Alma Mater led by a graduate candidate and accompanied by brass quintet
The dean of graduate studies invites the doctoral, specialist and master candidates to come forward to the stage to receive their diplomas. The dean of graduate studies presents the diploma cover and the dean of the college assisted by the associate dean hood the graduates. In the case doctoral candidates, the student’s program advisor will assist the dean.
The dean of the college invites the baccalaureate candidates to come forward to the stage to receive their diplomas. The dean of the college assisted by the associate dean hand out diploma covers.
It is customary for the provost and chancellor to congratulate the graduates as they leave the stage. The UW System regent may also join the chancellor to congratulate graduates.
American Council on Education. (n.d.). Academic ceremony guide. Retrieved January 28, 2022, from
American Council on Education. (n.d.-b). Academic regalia. Retrieved January 28, 2022, from
Harris, A. L. (1999b). Etiquette and protocol: A guide for campus events. Council for Advancement & Support of Education.