Before your first semester, you will be assigned an advisor based on your major. Your advisor(s) can provide you access to many helpful resources to ensure your academic success at UW-Eau Claire.
Academic advisor
Your academic advisor will help you create your academic plan. We know things can change while you’re in college, so don’t worry. If you change your major or switch a class, your academic advisor will work closely with you to help you stay on a track.
Faculty advisor
Your faculty advisor will provide you expert information as you make decisions that will impact your future academic and professional goals. Turn to them when you have questions about major courses, internship and service learning opportunities, networking connections and additional opportunities in the field.
Peer advisors are available on a walk-in basis in the Advising, Retention and Career Center to help with a variety of basic functions in CampS as well as building a course schedule and using the CampS planner.