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Academic assessment at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire focuses on evaluating how well students meet established learning outcomes in the Liberal Education Core (LE) and in academic programs (majors, minors, and certificates).


Assessment reports are used to help improve student learning and program quality in support of the university's ongoing commitment to excellence.

LE Core Assessment Processes

Assessment of the Liberal Education (LE) Core evaluates how well students meet the Liberal Education Learning Outcomes and uses the results to create continuous improvement in teaching and learning. 

As assigned by department chairs or program directors, instructors teaching courses in the LE Core gather data on a schedule that requires that 25% of sections in a multi-section course be evaluated each year, that single section courses are evaluated at least once in a four-year cycle, and that all faculty teaching in the LE program participate in gathering data during the four year cycle. Data is submitted to University Assessment via an electronic form (Eform). Each year, in consultation with faculty and instructional academic staff, chairs and program directors complete a summary Eform analyzing and drawing conclusions from all LE data gathered in the previous academic year. Departments and programs account for their assessment and improvement of teaching and learning in the LE Core as part of their seven-year program review.

LE assessment data is displayed in a Dashboard accessible to the campus community. The data is reviewed each year by the University Assessment Committee and the University Liberal Education Committee. It will be used to inform the revision of LE rubrics and the overall review of the LE core.

Program Assessment Processes

To continuously improve teaching and learning, all academic programs including majors, and stand-alone minors and certificates, participate in program assessment.

This includes gathering and analyzing data on how well students are meeting learning outcomes, making and implementing plans to improve teaching and learning, and evaluating whether changes had an impact. These activities are outlined in the Program Assessment Plan. Assessment plans are updated in conjunction with a program’s seven-year program review. Each year, departments and programs submit an Annual Program Assessment Report covering the previous academic year. Programs with external accreditation or licensing obligations complete a summary report. Annual assessment reports provide supporting information in the program review process. All faculty and instructional academic staff in a unit are expected to participate in gathering data, analyzing data, discussing results, making and implementing plans for improvement, and evaluating those efforts.

Co-curricular and student support programs also develop plans for assessing student learning and/or experiences in their programs. They gather data, analyze data, make and implement plans for improvement, and evaluate the results of those plans. The plan for these activities is outlined in the Program Assessment Plan. Departments and programs submit an Annual Program Assessment Report covering the previous academic year. 

All plans and reports are uploaded to a Program Assessment Document Library accessible to the campus community and reviewed by the University Assessment Committee. Feedback is provided to units.

University Assessment Committee

The University Assessment Committee is a Standing Committee of the University Faculty By-laws. Representing Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and other key institutional offices, the University Assessment Committee will further student learning through a focus on assessment.

For questions about University Assessment, contact Mary Hoffman,

Mary Hoffman headshot
Communication and Journalism Department
Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Dean of Graduate Studies
Schofield Hall 206B
105 Garfield Ave.
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Page Family

Academic Affairs/Provost

Schofield Hall 206
105 Garfield Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54701
United States