Our second largest ballroom, the Dakota Ballroom is a multi-use room with five built-in projectors, audio, and large windows with a scenic view of the Little Niagara Creek. Furniture setup configurations are flexible.
To fit your needs, the Ballroom can be divided into two spaces (North & South), each with full audio and visual capabilities.
Capacities Auditorium | 340 Side-by-Side of 10 | 250 Rounds of 8 | 200 Classroom | 80
Dimensions 55' × 68' 24' ceiling 3,700 sq ft
Dakota North
Capacities Auditorium | 120 Side-by-side of 10 | 100 Rounds of 8 | 80 Classroom | 72
Dimensions 55' x 34' 24' ceiling 1,900 sq ft
Dakota South
Capacities Auditorium | 120 Side-by-Side of 10 | 100 Rounds of 8 | 80 Classroom | 72