Authored by
Robert Hooper

Robert Hooper

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Mahoney, J.B., Haggart, J.W., Hooper, R.L., Snyder, L.D., and Woodsworth, G.J.,and Freidman,R.M., 2007, New geolgocial mapping and implications for mineralization potential in the southern and western Whitesail Lake map area (NTS 093E), Southwestern British Columbia. British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, Geological Field Work 2007, Paper 2007-1,p. 341-353.

Mahoney, J.B., Haggart, J.W., Hooper, R.L., Snyder, L.D., Woodsworth, G.J. and Friedman, R.M, 2007, New geological mapping and implications for mineralization potential in the southern and western Whitesail Lake map area, southwestern British Columbia;in Geological Fieldwork 2006, British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, Paper 2007-1, p. 341-354. 

Haus, K.L., Hooper, R.L., Strumness, L.A., and Mahoney, J.B., 2009, Analysis of arsenic speciation in mine contaminated sediment using selective sequential extraction, HR-ICPMS and TEM, Applied Geochemistry,v.23, n.4, p 692-704. 

Jean M. Morrison, Martin B. Goldhaber, Christopher T. Mills, George N. Breit, Robert L. Hooper, JoAnn M. Holloway, Sharon F. Diehl and James F. Ranville, 2015, Transport and Weathering of chromium and nickel from serpentinite in the Coast Range Ophiolite to the Sacramento Valley, California, USA, Applied Geochemistry, v.61, p. 72-86.

Mahoney, J.B., Hooper, R.L., Gordee, S.M., Haggart, J.W. and Mortenson, J.K., 2005, Initial Evaluation of Bedrock Geology and Economic Mineralization Potential of the Southern Whitesail Lake Map Area (9202/03, west central British Columbia; in Geological Fieldwork 2004, British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, Paper 2005-1,p.291-300.

Gordee, S.M., Mortenson, J.K., Mahoney, J.B., and Hooper, R.L., 2005, Volcanostratigraphy, lithogeochemistry, and U-Pb geochronology of the Upper Hazelton Group, west central British Columbia: Implications for Eskay Creek-type VMS Mineralization in the southwest Stikinia, in Geological Fieldwork 2004, British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, Paper 2005-1,p. 311-322.

Balistieri, L.S., Box, S.E., Bookstrom, A.A., Hooper, R.L., and Mahoney, J.B., 2002, Impacts of Historical Mining in the Coeur d’Alene Basin: in Pathways of Metal Transfer from Mineralized Sources to Bioreceptors: A synthesis of the mineral resource program’s past environmental studies in the western United States and future research directions. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2191, Chapter 6, p. 1-34.

Mahoney, J.B., Hooper, R.L. and Michael, G., 1997, Resolving Compositional Variations in Fine-grained Clastic Sediment: A Comparison of Isotopic and Mineralogical Sediment characteristics, Shikoku Basin, Philippine Sea Recent progress in shale research symposium volume, p. 177-194.

Rosenberg, P.E. and Hooper, R.L., 1997, The Effect of Chemical Pretreatments on the compositions of Natural Illites, Clays and Clay minerals. V.45, p. 486-488.



  • Ph.D., Washington State University (Geology)
  • M.S., Washington State University (Geology)
  • B.S., Michigan State University (Geology)
Teaching and Research Interests

Teaching and Research Interests

  • Environmental geochemistry
  • Nanoparticles in natural systems (air, water and soil)