Authored by
Liquiang Chen

Liqiang Chen, Ph.D.

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Contact Information

Schneider Social Science Hall 413
124 Garfield Ave
Eau Claire, WI 54701


  • Ph.D., MIS, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • M.S., Computer Science, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • M.S., Meteorology, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
  • B.S., Meteorology, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, China
Teaching and Research Interests

Teaching and Research Interests

  • Information systems analysis and design
  • Enterprise architecture and system integration
  • Mobile computing
  • Business process management (BPM), ERP,
  • IT project management
  • e-commerce
  • Database management
  • Data mining and business intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) curriculum development
  • Business network administration and security management
  • Web/mobile services development
  • Enterprise Architecture (EA)
  • SOA and system integration
  • Cloud computing
  • IT innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Information assurance and security
Published Research

Published Research

Chen, L. (2022).  Current and Future Artificial Intelligence (AI) Curriculum in Business School: A Text Mining Analysis.   Journal of Information Systems Education, 33 (4), 416-426.

Pratt, J. A., Chen, L., Kishel, H. F., & Nahm, A. Y. (2022).  Information Systems and Operations/Supply Chain Management: A Systematic Literature Review.   Journal of Computer Information Systems.

Chen, X., Chen, L., & Wu, D. (2018).  Factors That Influence Employees' Security Policy Compliance: An Awareness-Motivation-Capability Perspective.   Journal of Computer Information Systems, 58 (4), 312-324.

Chen, X., Wu, D., Chen, L., & Tengd, J. K.L. (2018).  Sanction Severity and Employees' ISP Compliance: Investigating Moderating and Control Variables.   Information & Management, 55 (8), 1049-1060.

Chen, L., Pratt, J. A., & Cole, C. B. (2016).  Factors Influencing Students' Major And Career Selection in Systems Development: An Empirical Study.   Journal of Computer Information Systems, 56 (4), 313-320.

Pratt, J. A., Chen, L., & Cole, C. (2016).  The influence of goal clarity, curiosity, and enjoyment on intention to code.   Behaviour & Information Technology, 35 (12), 1091-1101.

Chen, L., Keys, A., & Gaber, D. (2015).  How Does ERPsim Influence Students' Percieved Learning Outcomes in an Information Systems Course? An Empirical Study.   Journal of Information Systems Education, 26 (2), 135-145.

Chen, L. (2014).  Understanding IT Entrepreneurial Intention: An Information Systems View.   Journal of Computer Information Systems, 55 (1), 1-12.

Chen, L. (2013).  IT Entrepreneurial Intention Among College Students: An Empirical Study.   Journal of Information Systems Education, 24 (3).

Lee, S. M., & Chen, L. (2011).  An Integrative Research Framework for the Online Social Network Service.   Service Business, 5 (3), 259-276.

Lee, S. M., & Chen, L. (2010).  The Impact of Flow on Online Consumer Behavior.   Journal of Computer Information Systems, 50 (4), 1-10.

Nah, F. F., Hong, W., Chen, L., & Lee, H. (2010).  Information Search Patterns in E-Commerce Product Comparison Services.   Journal of Database Management, 21 (2), 26-39.