Dr. Kranti (Kran) Dugar, Ph.D.
Contact Information
I am an Associate Professor of Marketing at the University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire’s College of Business. I have a Ph.D. in Research Methods & Statistics (with a cognate in Marketing) from the University of Denver, an M.B.A. in Marketing from Ohio University, and a Bachelor of Science from Christ College (Bangalore University, India). I also completed some graduate coursework at Mississippi State University and Texas A&M International University. I have taught numerous courses in marketing, business statistics, and research methods at all levels at universities in the US, India, Bangladesh, and France, and have had student teams work as consultants for United Nations, non-profits in various countries, companies such as Mayo Clinic Health System, Target Corp., Big Brothers Big Sisters, etc. I recently led a student immersion in Fort McCoy, WI, where we worked with displaced Afghan refugee community members. I recently won the Chuck Tomkovick Teaching Excellence Award. I was also awarded best paper awards, travel and research grants, and a membership to Beta Gamma Sigma. I have experience working as a Marketing Research Executive for Synovate (now Ipsos, one of the world's top consulting/business intelligence companies), and as an Assistant Director of Admissions for Ohio University's India MBA program. I was an owner of a textile retailing business in India as well.
My teaching philosophy revolves around the tenets of high-impact inclusive teaching practices, and active learning within a community of practice. I believe in incremental improvements. My teaching interests include new product development, consumer behavior, global marketing, marketing strategy, marketing research, and international immersion programs. My research areas of interest include deconsumption, consumer behavior, equity, diversity, inclusion, & belonging (EDIB), technology-consumer interaction, global marketing, branding, emerging markets, effectiveness of immersion programs, scholarship of teaching & learning (SoTL), and sustainable consumption. If you want to read some recently published articles of mine, please ask.
I enjoy hiking, working out, yoga, scuba diving, reading, pickleball, curling, biking, and photography. I have traveled to 49 US states (the one I haven’t been to – you guessed it right – Alaska) and a few countries. I am a national park junkie and have visited 44 so far.
- Ph.D., University of Denver
- M.B.A., Marketing, Ohio University, Athens, OH
- B.Sc., Christ College, (Bangalore University), India
Teaching and Research Interests
Teaching Interests
- International Marketing
- Consumer Behavior
- Developing New Products & Services
- Marketing Strategy
Research/Professional Interests
- Deconsumption
- Consumer Behavior
- Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging (EDIB)
- Technology-consumer Interaction
- Global Marketing
- Branding
- Marketing Strategy
- New Product Development
- Emerging Markets
- International Immersion Programs
- Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL)
- Sustainable Consumption
Professional Memberships
- American Marketing Association (AMA)
- Academy of Management (AOM)
- Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U)
- Society of Marketing Advances (SMA)
- Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS)
Published Research
Refereed Articles
Opall, B. S., Dugar, K. K., Hansen, K. E., Hanson-Rasmussen, N. J., & Kurtenbach, B. L. (2022). Hearing Diverse Perspectives: Authentic Signaling in Faculty
Recruitment. Journal of Higher Education Management, 37 (2), 22-38.
Chao, R. C., Green, K. E., Dugar, K. K., Paiko, L., & Zhao, J. (2019). Rasch analysis of the brief symptom inventory-18 with African American and White
students. Psychological Assessment, 31 (1), 100-113.
Chao, R. C., Green, K. E., Dugar, K. K., & Longo, J. (2018). Rasch Analysis of the Brief Symptom Inventory-18 with African Americans. Journal of Applied
Measurement, 19 (2), 173-191.
Barnes, D. C., Ponder, N., & Dugar, K. K. (2011). Investigating the key routes to customer delight. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 19 (4), 357-373.
D, R. M., Kim, K., Dugar, K. K., & Fox, J. (2022). What Makes an Object Smart? Conceptualization, Development, and Validation of a Scale to Measure
Smartness of a Thing (SoT). Journal of Business Research, 141, 337-354.
Jyotishi, A., & Dugar, K. K. (2008). Targeting whom? Final consumer or decision maker? An analysis of fruit-beverage marketing to children. Marketing
Mastermind, 8 (10), 60-64.
Dugar, K. K., & Fox, J. (2022). Stigma around the Consumption of Sanitary Napkins and Implications for International Marketing Strategy: A Case Study from
Rural India. International Journal of Instructional Cases, 6, 1-9.
Refereed Proceedings
D, R. M., Kim, K., Dugar, K. K., & Fox, J. (2020). OK Google, What Makes an Object Smart?: Consumers' Perceptions and Experiences of Smart Objects.
American Marketing Association Summer Virtual Conference.
Dugar, K. K. (2017). To Renounce or not to Renounce, that is the Question: An Exploratory Sequential Scale Development Study of Consumers' Perceptions
of Voluntary Deconsumption. American Marketing Association Winter Conference.
Dugar, K. K. (2015). An assessment of developmental trajectory of baby boomers in the United States - A latent growth curve modeling application. Joint
Statistical Meetings, American Statistical Association.
Chao, R. C., Green, K. E., & Dugar, K. K. (2013). Rasch Analysis of the Brief Symptom Inventory with African Americans using a Calibration and a Validation
Sample. A merican Psychological Association.
Dugar, K. K., Engelland, B. T., & Moore, R. S. (2010). Exploring corporate social responsibility, product recalls, customer satisfaction, and financial
performance in publicly-traded firms. Society for Marketing Advances Proceedings.
Moore, R. S., Moore, M., & Dugar, K. K. (2010). Do unsponsored negative political ads influence website evaluations? Society for Marketing Advances
Dugar, K. K., & Ponder, N. (2010). "Meri Pepsi" or "Mera Pepsi"? The role of linguistic gender markers on brand gender perceptions and brand evaluations: A
cross-national exploration. Society for Marketing Advances Proceedings.
Chapters, Cases, Readings, Supplements
Dugar, K. K. (2023). What's in a Name? Strategic Challenges in Targeting and International Branding – Glocalization Lessons from a Beer Brand's Market
Entry in Nepal. In Muralidhara, G. V. (Ed.), Doing Business in South Asia (Routledge, Taylor & Francis) (pp. 42-50). New York, NY: Routledge.
Presentations of Refereed Papers
Dugar, K. K., Hawes, F., & Jones, C. (2022). Application of AAC&U's Global VALUE Rubric to Afghan Refugee Immersion. AAC&U's 2022 Virtual Conference
Transforming Global Learning Practice: Time for Action, Virtual, Virtual.
Kocher, M. & Dugar, K. K. (2022). Salton Sea Restoration: A Stakeholder Engagement Model for Sustainable Development. AAC&U's 2022 Virtual
Conference Transforming Global Learning Practice: Time for Action, Virtual, Virtual.
Opall, B. S., Dugar, K. K., Hanson-Rasmussen, N., & Kurtenbach, B. (2019, October). Factors Leading Diverse Candidates to Select a Faculty Position in
Colleges of Business. Midwest Academy of Management Conference, Omaha, Nebraska.
Honors And Recognition
- Chuck Tomkovick Management and Marketing Teaching Excellence Award, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (2021)
- Senior GRADitude! Recognition, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (2019, 2018)
- Instructor Having Most Meaningful Positive Impact on Student's University Experience, University of Denver (2015-16)
- Morgridge College of Education Alumni Board, University of Denver (2013-2015)
- Graduate Dean's Scholarship, University of Denver (2012-13)
- Best Paper Award, Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice (2011-12)
- Travel Assistance Grants for Graduate Students (TAGGS), Office of the Graduate School, Mississippi State University (2010-11)
- Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society, Ohio University (2006)