Authored by
Jennifer Shaddock

Jennifer Shaddock, Ph.D.

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After I graduated college, I spent four important years learning to apply the critical thinking, deep reading, and communications skills I had learned as an English major to journalism and public relations. I then went on to get my graduate degree in literary studies, and taught at UW-Eau Claire for over 20 years. During that time, I was Director of the Women's Studies program for two years and the Director of Graduate English for nine years. In 2016, I began serving as the English department's Internship Director. While these kinds of administrative roles are sustaining, I found my greatest rewards in the day-to-day teaching of students and the power of literature to change us.

Teaching and Research Interests

Teaching and Research Interests

  • Illness and identity
  • Rhetoric
  • Composition studies
  • 19th and 20th Century British Literature
  • Women's literature
  • The grotesque
  • War literature (especially the Great War)
  • Narrative medicine
  • Narrative history
  • Creative thinking