Dr. Crispin Hayes Pierce, M.Sc Ph.D.
Contact Information
Dr. Pierce earned his undergraduate degree in Biology from the University of California-Santa Cruz before continuing on to earn his M.S. in Bioenvironmental Studies from California State University at Hayward and his Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry (emphasis toxicology) from the University of California-San Francisco. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship in toxicology at the University of Washington in Seattle.
Dr. Pierce came to UW-Eau Claire in 2003 and holds the position of Associate Professor of the Environmental Public Health program. Previously, he worked as a lecturer and research scientist in Washington and as a toxicologist in California. Dr. Pierce teaches classes including Introduction to Environmental Health, Water and Wastewater, Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, and Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment.
The focus of Dr. Pierce's teaching and research is environmental and public health and developing environmental health competencies for future public health professionals. Research focus includes measurement of airborne fine particulates and silica around frac sand plants in Wisconsin and measurement of heavy metals in human hair as predictors of disease, for which he was recognized as a Fulbright Scholar to Finland.
He is the author of 25 peer-reviewed publications and his invitational presentations include "Identifying Home Environment Hazards" and "Health Consequences of Energy Choices." He received the 2023 UWEC CAS Career Excellence in Teaching Award and serves as a National Environmental Health Association Technical Advisor.
Active in the community, Dr. Pierce served on the City of Eau Claire Advisory Committee on Sustainability and Earth Day Celebration Planning Committee.
Teaching and Research Interests
Featured news stories on ventilation testing to reduce COVID transmission:
Featured news stories on COVID monitoring in wastewater:
Published Research
Pierce, CH. Environmental Health Innovations During the COVID-19 Pandemic (honorable mention). Journal of Environmental Health. (2021; 84 (4): 32–39).
Pierce CH, Fuhrman E, Xiong-Yang P, Kentnich J, Husnik P, Dahlen J, Liang R, Awad J.; Monitoring of Airborne Particulates Near Industrial Silica Sand Mining and Processing Facilities. Arch Environ Occup Health. (2019;74(4):185–196).
Pierce, Crispin H., Kristin Walters, Jeron Jacobson, and Zachary Kroening; PM2.5 Airborne Particulates near Frac Sand Operations; J Environ Health, Featured article, 8–12 (2015).
Adams, Julie C., Russell L. Dills, Michael S. Morgan, David A. Kalman, and Crispin H. Pierce; A Physiologically-Based Toxicokinetic Model of Inhalation Exposure to Xylenes in Caucasian Men;Reg Toxicol Pharmacol, 43:203–214 (2005).
Pierce, Crispin H., Yili Chen, William Hurtle, and Michael S. Morgan; Exponential Modeling, Washout Curve Reconstruction, and Estimation of Half-Life of Toluene and its Metabolites. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 67(14):1131-58 (2004).
Lewandowski, T.A., Crispin H. Pierce, Stephanie M. Pingree, S. Hong and Elaine.M. Faustman; Methylmercury Distribution In The Pregnant Rat And Embryo During Early Midbrain Organogenesis. Teratology 66 (5):235-241 (2002).
Pierce, Crispin H., Yili Chen, Russell L. Dills, David A. Kalman and Michael S. Morgan; Toluene Metabolites as Biological Indicators of Exposure. Toxicology Letters 129:65–76 (2002).
Sanga, Ravi N., Scott M. Bartell, Rafael A. Ponce, Ana A.P. Boischio, Claude R. Joiris, Crispin H. Pierce, and Elaine M. Faustman; Effects of Uncertainties on Exposure Estimates to Methylmercury: A Monte Carlo Analysis of Biomarkers of Exposure vs. Predictive Dietary Estimation. Risk Analysis 21(5) (2001).
Vicini, Paolo, Crispin H. Pierce, Russell L. Dills, Michael S. Morgan, and David A. Kalman; Individual Prior Information in a Physiological Model Of 2H8-Toluene Kinetics: An Empirical Bayes Estimation Strategy; Risk Anal19:1127-1134 (1999).
Pierce, Crispin H., Thomas A. Lewandowski, Russell L. Dills, Michael S. Morgan, Mike A. Wessels, Danny D. Shen, and David A. Kalman; A Comparison of 1H8- And 2H8-Toluene Toxicokinetics in Humans; Xenobiotica 29: 93–108 (1999).
Pierce, Crispin H., Russell L. Dills, Michael S. Morgan, Paolo Vicini, and David A. Kalman; Biological Monitoring of Controlled Toluene Exposure; Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 71: 433–444 (1998).
Pierce, Crispin H., Charles E. Becker, Thomas N. Tozer, Deborah Owen, and Yuen So; Modeling the Acute Neurotoxicity of Styrene; J Occ Environ Med ; 40:230–240 (1998).
Pierce, Crispin H., Russell L. Dills, Thomas A. Lewandowski, Michael S. Morgan, Mike A. Wessels, Danny D. Shen, and David A. Kalman; Estimation of Background Exposure To Toluene Using A Physiologically-Based Kinetic Model; J Occup Health, 39:130–137 (1997).
Pierce, Crispin H., Russell L. Dills, Michael S. Morgan, Greg L. Nothstein, Danny D. Shen, and David A. Kalman; Interindividual Differences in 2H8-Toluene Toxicokinetics Assessed by a Semi-Empiric Physiologically-Based Model; Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 139:49–61 (1996). Crispin Hayes Pierce Pg. 24
Pierce, Crispin H., Dills, Russell L., Silvey, Guy W., and David A. Kalman; Partition Coefficients Between Human Blood or Adipose Tissue and Air for Aromatic Solvents; Scand J Work Environ Health; 22:112–118 (1996).
Pierce, Crispin H. and Thomas N. Tozer; Styrene in Adipose Tissue of Non Occupationally-Exposed Persons; Environmental Research, 58:230-235 (1992).
Pierce, Crispin H.; Integration of Pharmacology and Toxicology (Editorial); Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 16:213-214 (1992).
Pierce, Crispin H. Increasing the Role of Toxicology in the Pharmaceutical Sciences; American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists newsletter (March 1991).
Honors And Recognition
Fulbright Scholar
NEHA Technical Advisor
2023 UWEC CAS Career Excellence in Teaching