Brownell’s love of international travel started in college when she studied abroad in summer 1993 in Cuernavaca, Mexico, about 50 miles south of Mexico City. The six-week experience changed the 19-year-old Blugold.
“I was already a Spanish major, but I completely was bitten with the travel bug during that study abroad,” Brownell recalls. “Just knowing how immersed you could get in the culture, how tight you could get with your relationships with people if you are sharing a common language, and it was just a total life-changing moment for me.”
Dr. Paul Hoff, professor of Spanish and language education, recalls Brownell being among a strong cohort of Spanish and language education students at UW-Eau Claire in the 1990s, noting that Brownell stood out for her “enthusiasm, fun-loving nature, kindness, motivation and career focus.”
Many of Brownell’s travel experiences are tied to professional development as she continually strives to be the best educator possible, Hoff says.
“Jodi is open to experiencing the world but also cherishes her roots and gives back to her home community by sharing her experiences in impactful ways,” Hoff says. “Her gratitude, humility and love for her rural community in northeastern Wisconsin are tangible. For example, after learning of the Grosvenor Teacher Fellowship and the Wisconsin DPI Global Educator Award, Jodi wrote me saying, ‘I am so lucky to teach amazing students who are interested in world cultures, languages, and making a difference, and I’m especially lucky that they are in my hometown.’”