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Live and learn with others that dream of becoming an educator. Make connections living on the same floor and sharing the passion for education.

Find your community through the Aspiring Educators LLC program.


Aspiring Educators LLC

Aspiring Educators is designed for students who are interested in becoming an educator at any grade level and subject area. All general education and special education majors are invited to live in this LLC. Typical members of the Aspiring Educators LLC are first-year students interested in becoming K-12 educators. The goal of this community is to support, develop, and empower aspiring educators to become collaborative leaders and advocates for all K-12 pupils.


Aspiring Educators LLC is on the third floor of Bridgman Hall. A classroom and meeting space are located on the lower level for socializing and taking the required course.


Aspiring Educator students take ES 149: Introduction to Education, a first-year experience course in the fall. This course is offered in the residence hall where students live to help further connect students with a faculty member.

Programs and events

Students participate in programming twice a month including volunteer activities, resume building workshops, career exploration discussions, first-year teacher panels, K-12 principal presentations, pen-pal opportunities with local elementary schools, leadership workshops, movie nights, game nights, and visits to local schools.

Aspiring Educators Living Learning Community

How to Join

Choose your Living Learning Community preference on the housing application in the housing portal. The housing portal is all your housing information in one place.

If you are in a roommate group, make sure your roommate(s) indicate the same LLC preferences on their housing application. Otherwise, you will not be placed in the LLC.


The Aspiring Educators Living Learning Community is supported by two LLC RAs who are education majors as well as by faculty and staff sponsors.

Professional portrait of Jennifer Sisum
Teacher Education
Clinical Assistant Professor
Outreach Coordinator
Special Education and Inclusive Practices Department
Centennial Hall, 3108
1698 Park Avenue, PO Box 4004
Eau Claire, WI. 54701
Professional portrait of MacKenzie Timlin
Bridgman Hall Director
Bridgman Hall
610 Hilltop Cir
Eau Claire, WI 54701

MacKenzie Timlin graduated from UW-Eau Claire in Spring 2023 with a Bachelors of Arts in theatre arts and creative writing. She is currently pursuing her Masters in student affairs administration through UW-La Crosse with an expected graduation in Spring 2025. MacKenzie worked in Housing and Residence Life for four years as an undergrad before accepting a position as a residence hall director.

Campus beauty
Learn more about LLCs
Answering the most common questions and share more information about the Living Learning Community program.
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