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Parking Enforcement at UW-Eau Claire


Parking policies and regulations at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire are aimed at enhancing public safety, maintaining flexibility and choice, meeting customer demand for convenience and affordability and supporting the University's mission and goals. The parking and transportation unit has a comprehensive approach that includes managing parking assets, promoting transit and alternative modes of transportation.


Pay attention to signage. Hours of enforcement and permit requirements are posted at the entrance of all lots in addition to signage throughout the lots.

Parking permits are virtual, meaning your license plate is your permit. Our campus utilizes LPR or license plate recognition for enforcement of the parking lots. Click here for FAQ.  

Please drive slow on all campus roads, and parking lots, 10mph or less to ensure pedestrian safety.

Some parking lots are one-way traffic:  Haas Fine Arts, Govenors, Phillips, McPhee, Towers Circle, and Visitor lot A.  You should enter to and follow directional arrows and one way traffic signs.  

To park in an ADA stall, a university parking permit is required daily Mon-Fri 6am to 4pm in addition to any state issued disabled hangtag or ADA license plate being displayed.

Your license plate must be visible from the driving aisle.  If using a bike rack, you must display your front plate in the drive aisle.    

Citations may be issued more than once each day to vehicles in violation of parking policies. 


AMP Timed Parking

Locate timed parking on campus by signage identifying it as an AMP location. The parking app, AMP Park, will be used for timed parking near Haas Fine Arts Center, Hilltop Center, Governors Hall, Murray Hall, Phillips Hall, Schneider Hall, Towers Circle, Corner Lot, University Drive, Hibbard Hall and The Priory.

Timed parking can be purchased in 15 minute increments, will be $1 an hour.

AMP Zones are zone specific. You must purchase time in the zone you are parked in. If you move zones, you will need to repurchase time. 

Apple App Store
Google Play

Search the app as "AMP Park".

Enforcement Regulations
AMP Parking
Page Family

Blugold Central

Vicki Lord Larson Hall 1108
105 Garfield Ave
Eau Claire, WI 54701
United States