Explore the Greenhouses
Tropical House
Like the name says, the plants in this house are of tropical origin and grow best in warmer conditions. Our collection currently includes over 300 plants from four different biogeographic realms: Afrotropical (mainland Africa, Madagascar, and scattered islands), Australian (Australia, New Guinea, and the Pacific Islands), Indomalayan (India, Sri Lanka, mainland Asia, and Southeast Asia), and Neotropical (South America, Central America, and the Caribbean islands). Included in this collection are 43 different species of orchids.
Succulent House
Many plants have adapted to thrive in drier environments like deserts. Get a chance to see around 150 of these types of species from across the globe. The plants in this house are adapted for arid regions and are some of the most uniquely shaped and featured plants in existence. Come see what we have growing!