Special Education Inclusive Methods for Educators
This certificate program is for pre-service and in-service teachers interested in including students with disabilities in the general education classroom.
Learn to apply inclusive classroom teaching practices focused on academics, behavior, and classroom management. Through your studies, you will develop an understanding of disability and inclusion in PK-12 schools, and you will explore ways to provide inclusive access and support to students with disabilities.
This certificate will not satisfy external standards or lead to licensure.
Program Details
Blugold Stories
This certificate requires 12 credits of course work and is open to elementary-middle and secondary education majors. Students must earn a grade of C or above in all courses.
Here are a few courses in Special Education Inclusive Methods for Educators at UW-Eau Claire.
SEIP 200
Introduction to Diverse Learners
Students will be introduced to the unique needs of diverse learners (4K-12) through the lens of Special Education. The identification and characteristics of multiple disability populations (learning, intellectual, emotional, physical, health, etc.) will be presented and discussed. Topics related to identification, services, disability/education law, research, current issues and trends, transition to post-school outcomes, family/parent roles, individual rights, cultural diversity and assistive technology will be addressed. This class meets the Liberal Education requirement of R3.
SEIP 300
Inclusive Practices for Secondary Educators
Surveys characteristics of diverse learners including students with disabilities, cultural differences, and at-risk concerns. Provides knowledge and practice regarding the secondary general educator's role related to special education processes, professional collaboration, and curricular adaptations/modifications which promote inclusion of students with disabilities in the general education classroom. Course content focuses on expanding access for students with disabilities using the Universal Design for Learning framework.
SEIP 458
Advanced Behavior Interventions and Assessment for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities
The purpose of this course is to develop and implement intensive behavioral approaches based upon functional behavior assessment and other behavioral assessments This course will assist the students in acquiring the knowledge and skills for the delivery of services to children and youth with emotional/behavior disabilities. Areas that will be addressed are functional behavior assessment behavioral interventions, social skills curriculum methods and materials, instructional activities and strategies, classroom management techniques, and the educator’s roles.
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