Criminal Justice Equity and Inclusivity
This multidisciplinary minor is designed for students to analyze and critique issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the criminal legal system in the United States.
Gain Additional Skills and Insight
Through interdisciplinary coursework, you will examine current and historical legal and policy decisions with a special focus on understanding their broader context and impact. Course topics will explore the fundamental concepts and contemporary issues associated with criminal law, policing, judicial systems and corrections. A critical examination of the relationship between race, ethnicity and the criminal justice system in the U.S. highlights the struggles for racial justice — and how those efforts have been criminalized or controlled.
Graduates of the program will help develop solutions that establish and improve diverse, equitable and inclusive practices in the criminal legal system. Whether you go on to pursue a career in law enforcement, corrections or the legal system, you'll have empirical information on the many perspectives and social issues that you will encounter. This knowledge will help you to improve your decision-making while also bringing positive, sustainable reform to the system.
Program Details
Blugold Stories
With a solid foundation in criminal justice coursework — combined with a variety of interdisciplinary electives — this 24-credit minor will shine a light on the nature and extent of crime and social policy in our modern society. Your classes will illuminate issues related to equity, diversity and inclusivity that are inherent to the criminal justice system in the U.S., explore why these issues exist and ultimately help you identify solutions to resolve them.
Here are a few courses in Criminal Justice Equity and Inclusivity at UW-Eau Claire.
CRMJ 103
Survey of the Criminal Justice System
The fundamental concepts and contemporary issues associated with criminal law, policing, the judicial systems, and corrections are presented.
CRMJ 320
Race, Crime, and Justice
A critical examination of the relationship between race and ethnicity, and all components of the criminal justice system in the United States. Provides a historical perspective of racial inequality and a study of contemporary racial justice issues, while highlighting the struggles for racial justice and how these struggles have been criminalized and controlled.
CRMJ 360
Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice
This course examines the nature and extent of crime and social policy in modern society. Emphasis will be placed on current issues that have a wide-ranging impact on criminal justice systems, offenders, and society.
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