A judge and witness on the stand in a court room setting

Child Advocacy

Through this program, you will gain multi-disciplinary training to prepare you to recognize, react, and respond to child maltreatment and trauma.

Available as

Advocating for Children

A minor in child advocacy studies training (CAST) is beneficial for any student pursuing a career in which they will be a mandated reporter of child maltreatment and neglect. After completing the program, you will be able to identify resources for and support children and families who have experienced trauma.

Students interested in careers related to social work, education, probation/parole officers, victim's rights advocates, family court attorneys, pediatricians, nurses, school psychologists, and similar occupations would benefit from this program.

Degree Types

Program Details

Degree Types
Degree Level undergraduate
Available asMinor
Eau Claire
On Campus
Requires a minor No
Authored on
Students in a staged home learn about child welfare.
Advanced Training

Courses included in the minor focus on the development of practical skills. These courses are designed in partnership with Zero Abuse Project, a national leader in professional training and the prevention of the maltreatment of children, and are approved as Child Advocacy Studies Training (CAST) courses.

Facts List


Competitive Salaries
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the median annual salary for social workers in 2023 was $58,380.
In Demand Jobs
There is a projected 89,000 position increase in the social work field before 2030.
U.S. Dept of Labor 2023
Flex Content

Learn More About the Program

For more information, contact the faculty advisor:

Courses information

The minor is comprised of various courses within social work, psychology, criminal justice, American Indian studies, and more. Students will also complete one of the following: a 100-hour placement in a child welfare setting; a domestic or international immersion experience related to child welfare; or a directed or independent study related to child welfare.

Here are a few courses in Child Advocacy at UW-Eau Claire.

SW 290

Human Rights and Global Justice

Human Rights and Global Justice provides a basic understanding of universal human rights and global justice. Social issues will be explored from a variety of perspectives, and field visits to local agencies/programs are required.

SW 389

Understanding Trauma

This course is focused on the concept of trauma, the impact of trauma on the well-being of individuals, and how to engage with others in a trauma-informed manner. The course is designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of individuals who plan to work in health, human service, or educational settings.

SW 492

Advanced Child Welfare

An exploration of issues in our society that impact the welfare of children in the context of social justice and disproportionality. Particular attention will be paid to providing students with the knowledge of types of services available to dependent, neglected, abused, and delinquent children.

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