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Schedule an appointment with a Peer Tutor today!

Looking for help with your classes? 

The Academic Skills Center offers tutoring for all students in many 100- and 200-level courses. These individual and small group sessions allow students to deepen their content knowledge by practicing the material with a knowledgeable peer. Tutoring is free for students, and our tutors will work with you to find a time that fits your schedule. 

See below for information about how to schedule and what to expect from your tutoring appointments!


Courses Offered 

The following courses have tutoring available for Spring 2025.

Biology214, 221, 222, 314
Chemistry105, 106, 109, 150, 325, 326, 352
Communication Sciences and Disorders101, 102
Economics103, 104
French101, 102, 201, 202
Geography104, 111, 178, 200
Geology102, 110, 115
German101, 102, 201
History115, 124, 125, 210
Kinesiology294, 304, 308
Mathematics10, 20, 104, 106, 109, 112, 113, 114, 246
Music139, 146, 147, 248, 249
Physics100, 211, 212, 231, 232
Political Science110, 122
Spanish101, 102, 201, 202

Don't see your course listed?  No tutors available?  Let us know by completing the Tutoring Inquiry Form.


Drop-In Tutoring in The Suites

All drop-in tutoring occurs 5-8pm in The Academic Support Hub in The Suites on upper campus. The following schedule lists current offerings.

SundaysPHYS 211, 212
Mondays & ThursdaysCHEM 105, 109, 325, 326


What to Expect from Peer Tutoring

Tutoring will help you with material in specific courses including extra practice, preparing for tests, understanding notes/readings, and clarifying concepts from class.  Tutoring is more than just homework help; your tutor will help you be successful in the class and help you develop skills you can apply elsewhere. 

Tutoring sessions typically last 45 minutes to 1 hour, but there is flexibility based on your needs and your tutor's schedule.  After you have signed up for a tutoring session, keep an eye on your email!  Your tutor will email you to introduce themselves, tell you where to meet, and ask what you want to accomplish during your session.  Having a clear goal in mind or a specific set of questions will help make your session as productive as possible.

General locations and hours for Peer Tutoring: 

Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm in the Student Success Center (Centennial 2104)
Monday - Thursday 4pm - 8pm in McIntyre Library (2nd floor, 2003A)
Sunday 11am - 8pm in McIntyre Library (2nd floor, 2003A)

Scheduling an Appointment

Cancelling Appointments

Appointments must be cancelled in Navigate at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled time.  To cancel a previously scheduled appointment, log into the Navigate app or website, click on your upcoming appointments, select Cancel My Attendance, and follow the on-screen directions.  Email your tutor if you need to cancel an appointment less than 24 hours before the scheduled time.

What if no available appointments fit my schedule? 

Not a problem! Please contact Amy Root at or stop by our office in Centennial 2104 and we'll work with you to find an alternative time. 

Looking for something else? 

We're here to help. See below for some other available resources offered by other departments on campus or stop by our office in 2104 Centennial to see what might be available to you. 

  • Drop-In Math tutoring is available through the mathematics department. Information is available on the Mathematics Tutoring website
  • Writing help is available through the Center for Writing Excellence.
  • When tutoring isn't available: 
    • Contact a member at the front desk in the Student Success Center by phone at 715-836-2200 or email at We may be able to refer you to other services available on campus.
    • Check to see if your course has Supplemental Instruction.
    • See your course professor during office hours. Professors hold office hours specifically to meet with students and are available to assist you.
    • Search your textbook title on the Internet. Many publishers have additional resources available to assist students using their textbooks.
    • Stop by the academic department office to ask about any available tutoring or resources to assist students. Some departments or student groups offer drop-in tutoring hours. 
    • Start your own study group with people in your class. The library has study rooms available.
    • If you want to develop strategies relating to time management, test prep, note-taking, study strategies, or other important academic skills, consider trying Peer Academic Coaching.
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Academic Skills Center

Centennial Hall 2104
1698 Park Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54701
United States

Academic Skills Center
Monday8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Tuesday8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Wednesday8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Thursday8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Friday8:00 am – 4:30 pm